Friday 24 January 2014

10 January 2014

Kevin jokes that Meic has not got rid of Debbie yet;  Anita tells the pair of them to get a hobby, but when Meic suggests bowls, Kevin is not keen.   Meic goes out to find Mark, who is delivering several parcels to Colin and Iolo, their orienteering equipment;  Mark is not interested in that pursuit, and says the last time he was in a field, he fell down a hole.   
Ed urges Sioned to go and sort things out with Angela, but she says it is awkward, and she suspects Angela still has feelings for him;  he is insistent that she should talk to her sister.   When she goes to Angela’s, Sioned asks, “Are you my sister, or Ed’s ex?”   She says she knows what it is like to love someone she cannot have.   Angela admits that she had thought there might be a chance for her, but now there is not, and she wants to be Sioned’s sister.   They agree that all three will meet for coffee in the Deri later.
Meic next comes across Anita in the café, as she is looking on a laptop at pictures of Wil;  he apologises for encouraging Darren to take Wil away to Canada.   He tells Anita that he must find Mark, or the story of his non-existent “relationship” with Debbie will be all over the village.   While Debbie is not around, he retrieves his belongings from the flat, then goes searching for Mark;  Colin meets him, talking about the orienteering club, but Meic’s response is to wish he would just get lost.
Sioned, Angela and Ed meet at the Deri, and Sioned says that they all have to be honest, with no secrets;  Angela is adamant she does not want to spoil her sister’s happiness.   Sioned gets the confirmation she wanted that they are not interested in each other.   Afterwards, over drinks, Angela asks that Sioned should seek reconciliation with Eileen, so that Angela has a chance of making peace with her;  she says that Eileen must really miss her, only having Jim to confide in.   Sioned is incredulous:  “Jim knows?   Why did she tell him and not me?   Just when I think that things are OK, then I’m let down again!   I’m not going to see her!”
After Mark delivers a large parcel, the tent, to Iolo, they go to the business units to erect it, with Colin getting tangled up with it;  when Mark leaves, he tells Kevin that it is like Laurel and Hardy, so Kevin goes in to watch, and says he has put up a few tents in his time.   He also suspects that the second-hand tent is not waterproof.   
Eventually Meic tracks down Mark, and tries to explain that what he saw last night was not how it seemed.   “She threw herself at me!   I don’t want to be with her:  I hate her!   She has no principles, she’s greedy, and ruined Kevin’s life!”   Mark points out that Kevin ruined his own life, but says that Meic’s secret is safe with him.

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