Courtney seems happy that Eifion has moved in |
Courtney tells Angela that she is happy with Eifion living with them, as she gets on well with him. However she does ask how long he is likely to be there, and Angela says she will tell her when she knows. Eifion is glad he is not under such pressure now.
Colin relates the details of his "date" |
At the back of the shop, Colin tells Mark of his disastrous date, but is glad that he saw through Tessa before it cost him even more. He tells Mark it may take a while to repay the £50, then adds, “I might not be the only one with worries,” which puzzles Mark.
Dani offers advice to Gwyneth |
Dani goes to see Gwyneth, who asks, “Are you here to pressure me?” Dani replies that she had almost persuaded Garry to come to his senses, and that solicitor’s letter has done a lot of damage. “If you backed down from court action, I’m sure Garry would too,” she advises Gwyneth.
Dani picks up Gwern's card, before noticing something significant |
When Gwyneth makes a cup of tea, Dani sees a card which Gwern has made, then notices the corner of a passport; she pulls out the plastic file and finds a flight confirmation. She secretes them in her bag and leaves hurriedly, warning, “Think about what I said – no-one wants a tug of war with Gwern in the middle!”
Angela wants help with Eifion; Cadno wants to be rid of him |
Angela sees Cadno in the cafĂ©, and says that Eifion is acting rashly. “That what Eifion is like,” replies Cadno, “Two kids, an affair with Sioned, now he’s with you.” Angela wants Cadno to stop him selling his share of Penrhewl, but gets no co-operation from her. “The timing may be awkward, but getting Eifion out of Penrhewl is like manna from heaven,” Cadno says.
Postman Mark delivers to Betty |
As Mark delivers a parcel to Betty, Colin approaches and asks if Gemma said anything about seeing him in the restaurant last night. “She was with some bloke, and said she’d been for an interview, but he had his arm round her.”
Mark is offended by Colin's insinuation |
Mark will not listen; “I don’t like what you’re suggesting! I trust her one hundred per cent!”
Now Dani has the evidence |
Dani gets home and looks at the passport and flight confirmation; she tries to ring Garry, but gets no reply.
I fear that a cereal packet is not the ideal hiding place |
Shortly afterwards, Gwyneth rings the buzzer, so Dani hides the documents in a cereal packet.
Gwyneth shouts, “You’ve stolen something from me!” but Dani says she is a fine one to talk about stealing. “You were planning to take him to Spain,” accuses Dani, while Gwyneth looks around for the passport.
Dani is about to call the police |
“OK, I’ll call the police – I’ve got enough evidence now to put you back in prison.” As Gwyneth is arguing that she changed her mind and did not abduct Gwern, Garry rings back, but Dani does not tell him what happened. She tells Gwyneth, “I want you to leave Cwmderi; now you had better go, as Garry will be back.”
At the farm, Eifion is feeling much more relaxed, and wonders why he did not go months ago; Cadno hopes he will remember her co-operation when they set a price for his share of the farm.
"Love? Is that what it is?" says Cadno |
He muses, “Love does strange things to people,” and she replies, cynically, “Is that what it is?”
Ffion is very subdued about her row with Jinx |
Gaynor visits Ffion to say what a relief it is to be going back to school in September, but Ffion is preoccupied. She admits that she and Jinx have argued about adoption, and it is her fault. Gaynor asks why they do not try for a baby themselves, but Ffion does not answer.
Gwern boasts that he beat Garry 9 – 6 |
When Garry gets back with Gwern, he tells Dani they have been playing football; “Who won?” asks Dani, and Gwern proudly answers, “Me! 9 – 6 to me!” Garry suggests they could go to Y Wenallt and take a picnic.
Where is Colin going to find £50 at short notice? |
Mark rings Colin, demanding repayment of his £50 by Friday, but Colin does not know where he can find the money. Mark also emphatically tells him what he can do with his Eisteddfod – “Stuff it!” Colin suspects that doing a double-act on his own might be difficult.
Dani lays down the rules for Gwyneth |
Dani goes to Gwyneth and informs her that Garry has not been told, asking “When will you be leaving?” Gwyneth says that leaving the village will be like going back to prison, and does not object when Dani says she will tell Garry. “Right, I’ll go back to jail, but I’ll be out some time.”
"Don't forget – I control everything!" |
She admits that she will do anything – supervised visits are OK, but begs Dani not to show that file to anyone. Dani makes it very clear that she will control everything, and is pleased that now Gwyneth cannot upset her relationship with Garry. Gwyneth agrees to contact her solicitor tomorrow.
Cadno bring a box of Eifion's bits and pieces |
As Angela is cooking, Eifion is revelling in his new life; “You’ll soon get used to me being around,” he says. Then Cadno arrives with a box of his belongings, and says, “It looks very homely here!”
"It looks very homely here!" |
Angela seems particularly unimpressed.
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