Mark is not keen to travel to Narberth |
Colin and Mark are preparing for their journey to Narberth; Anita passes and enquires if there is any news of Liam, remarking that that she does not know how he and Debbie cope.
Sioned is pacing up and down in the kitchen when Andrew arrives, saying the police are on their way. They blame each other, with Sioned lamenting, “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you,” and Andrew retorting, “If you hadn’t stolen Ed’s money, this wouldn’t have happened!”
Ed comes in; "What wouldn't have happened?" |
Of course, Ed arrives in the doorway and asks, “What wouldn’t have happened?”
"Please don't be angry with me!" — she has no chance! |
After an initial silence, Sioned begins, “Please don’t be angry with me! On Tuesday night I went behind your back and invested in Gras with Andrew, I put £20,000 towards it.”
“My £20,000!” shouts Ed.
She tells him that Andrew was sure it would succeed, and Ed adds, “But?” Andrew announces it was a scam. Ed is convinced it was a plan to get Sioned into bed, and knew that something was going on. They both vehemently deny anything of the sort, but Ed concludes, “You deserve each other!”
"Tell them how you took £20,000 from me!" |
Downstairs, Ed asks Andrew if the police have been called; “You can tell them how you took £20,000 from me!” he says. Andrew responds that with his record he cannot risk going back inside, and reminds Ed that Sioned has a criminal record; “Do you want to see both of us go down?” Ed thinks that may be just what they deserve.
Raspberry Inferno tea — sounds as if it has a kick in it |
Anita visits Diane, bringing some Raspberry Inferno tea, and says she has invited a visitor for their tasting session, who turns out to be her friend Dr Gwyn Roberts. As Diane makes the tea, Dr Roberts suggests he should “play it by ear.”
Doctor Roberts joins the tasting session |
After initial chat about online diagnosis, and assuring Diane that it is better to have checks, just in case, she realises that this is Anita’s interference with her hearing problem, and storms out of the room.
Gwyn Roberts uses his powers of persuasion |
Dr Gwyn follows her, and uses his persuasive bedside manner to convince her that worrying about the problem may well make it worse.
He removes the offending item with his surgical tweezers |
Fortunately he has his surgical instuments with him, and soon retrieves a piece of cotton wool, a remnant from Diane’s attempts to escape Dai’s snoring, from deep inside her ear.
Diane is grateful to him, but tells Anita to go; she does, remarking that Diane may not have lost her hearing, but has lost her manners, and the doctor goes with her.
The police do not offer much hope of retrieving the money |
The two male police officers who arrive question Andrew about the loss of the money, and seem surprised that Ed just relied on his brother’s word that the investment was safe. They advise that the money will have been transferred abroad immediately. When they have gone Sioned thanks Ed for not revealing that she stole his money.
"You'll get back all the money – honestly!" |
She assures him that she will get a job, and pay the salary directly to his account. “You should get it all back within eighteen months,” she tells him, but he flatly informs her they do not have eighteen months.
She goes on about finding new ways to save money, but he replies, “I haven’t got the heart to do it again. When she stresses that that there is nothing between her and Andrew, he admits, “I want to believe you, but what happens next time you get bored, or want excitement? I’m not the right person for you, Sioned.
Sioned is being dumped by Ed –and it's all her own fault |
I love you, but I don’t trust you, and you can’t change that!”
Ed packs a suprisingly small bag, and despite the entreaties of Sioned and Andrew, gives them the keys and tells his brother, “The problem is you and Sioned – everything could have been great.” He walks out.
Colin fancies his chances with Tessa |
At Narberth, Colin and Mark are at the bar when a young woman comes to order a drink; Colin offers to pay for it, and she introduces herself as Tessa. Colin tries to cheer Mark, and he finally says, “If Liam can face Afghanistan, I can stand up in a Narberth pub!
They are announced: “For one night only, all the way from Cwmderi, the two and only Dim O’r Uchod!”
She seems particularly amused by their routine |
Their routine goes better than expected, with Tessa in particular, laughing heartily.
Diane spoils the intimate little soirée |
Dr Gwyn is at Anita’s, and it appears to her that she has a chance here, when Diane interrupts proceedings, with apologies for her behaviour, bringing her exotic teas, but the doctor says he has had enough tea for one day.
Much to Mark's dismay, Colin is not going home . . . |
After their act, Mark is keen to get back home, but Colin is chatting up Tessa, who is getting increasingly drunk, and saying that she loves comedians. Later, when Mark is trying to sleep, Colin and Tessa enter the room, and Colin asks Mark if he can sleep somewhere else.
. . . but pink fluffy handcuffs are not what he had in mind |
Tessa, singing and giggling tells Colin, “Singing and dancing are not the only things I’m good at!” She brandishes a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs, and collapses on top of him on the bed.
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