The ailing Dai has been keeping Diane awake at nights |
Dai walks into the house, still with his terrible cold, and finds Diane asleep on the sofa, as she got hardly a wink of sleep last night with Dai’s snoring. Dai complains, “Every time you woke, you kicked my backside – my buttocks are like blackberries!” She insists that either he wears one of his nasal strips or he sleeps on the sofa.
Dai says he cannot wear those things, as he once woke up to find Dic’s tarantula on his face, causing him a phobia, and anyway, he always rolls off the sofa.
Gwyneth welcomes a visitor, Rosalind, alias Nicky |
Outside the back gate of her house, Gwyneth greets the arrival of a car, jumps in, hugging and kissing the driver, her ex-jailbird friend, Nicky.
Dani is tidying again |
Meanwhile Dani is cleaning up the flat, although Garry points out that the woman is not there to judge them. “Gwyneth must be concerned about her relationship with Gwern, or she wouldn’t be bringing this woman in,” he tells Dani.
Rosalind arrives and is introduced to Garry and Dani |
When Gwyneth arrives, she introduces “Rosalind” to them; she says she is responsible for a large area, but seems hesitant, having to be prompted by Gwyneth, who tells Gwern that this is Mam’s “friend.”
Garry is surprised that Gwyneth calls Rosalind her "friend" |
Garry immediately queries, “Friend?” “Rosalind” then says that it is their practice to keep an eye on women in Gwyneth’s situation; she obviously wants to be with him as much as possible.
They do not appear to suspect a thing . . . yet |
Garry asks how long she has been with the charity, and what she did before; she says she was a nanny in London, and has worked at a prison, which makes Gwyneth nervous.
Then “Rosalind” takes Garry to the kitchen to ask him some questions; meanwhile Gwyneth confesses to Dani that she was responsible for the murder attempt, but “is sorry.”
Gwyneth adopts a very menacing tone with Dani |
She tries to justify it by saying that people do strange things when pushed into a corner, then chillingly adds, “Keep it to yourself – you wouldn’t want anything else to happen to you!”
Gwyneth begins her search |
When “Rosalind” summons Dani to talk to her as well, Gwyneth finds a box and begins to look inside, but the buzzer sounds, so she hides it. Garry answers the intercom, learns it is Britt and tells her to come back later. This is a great relief, as Britt would have recognised the charity official as Nicky, from her time in prison.
This key will come in handy, as she cannot find what she is looking for |
Gwyneth puts back the box, and instead takes a key from a jar on the windowsill.
Andrew enjoys his curry at Mark's |
Andrew arrives at Mark’s house for the curry Mark invited him for yesterday, and gets on very well with Mark. He asks them how they started dating, and when Mark says he was worried about the age gap, Andrew replies that life is too short to worry what people think.
Gemma's dessert is ignored, as they watch the match |
Mark puts on a video of a 2004 football match, and the two of them are engrossed, leaving Gemma out of things again.
Diane finds the box of nasal strips, which Dai has told her were at APD, in his pants drawer, and while he is violently blowing his nose he shouts, “Strips,” which she apparently mishears.
Dai is rather amused that Diane misheard the word "strips" |
Soon afterwards, while he is sleeping, wearing one of these nasal strips, she returns with sausage and chips from the chippy, as he had asked for them. This causes Dai some hilarity; “Your hearing is not what it used to be,” he says.
What Gwyneth said to Dani makes Garry very angry |
The meeting with “Rosalind” is over, and as soon as the visitors have gone, Dani tells Garry what Gwyneth said to her; he wants to go and dash after them, but Dani urges him not to be hasty.
Meanwhile, outside Gwyneth is making fun of the posh voice Nicky was using. Nicky asks, “Did you get the passport?” but Gwyneth says she could not find it; she has got the key, so she can go and search tomorrow. Nicky goes back to her B&B as it is too risky being in the village – Britt might recognise her.
When Andrew tells Gemma that, “Mark is a good bloke,” she accuses him of not caring about her. “You’re not interested in what I’ve been through lately; you’re only worried about yourself, thinking of your next conquest!”
"You're thinking of your next conquest!" |
She adds, “Why can’t we be like a normal father and daughter? Just go!”
Mark is at a loss to understand Gemma |
Mark is surprised; “Why did you do that?” he demands, “Why behave like a child?” Gemma just moans, “You don’t understand either.”
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