Siôn realises he has lost touch with Iolo |
Siôn tells Britt he fears he does not know anything about Iolo these days.
An unwelcome surprise for Britt |
Britt leaves the house, but soon, when walking round the corner behind Gwyneth’s, comes face to face with Nicky. “It’s bad enough having that murderer Gwyneth here, without you being here!” she snarls.
Nicky appears unmoved by Britt's outburst |
“You’re not the kind of person Garry wants near his child!” but Nicky walks on regardless.
Nicky tells Gwyneth about this encounter, but reassures her that in a couple of hours they will be away. Gwyneth, however is worrying about how many laws she will be breaking; “It’s the last time he’ll see familiar faces,” she says.
Nicky has the whole matter worked out – Gwyneth is not so sure |
Nicky reminds her that they will be starting a new life, not having to hide any more, and gives her a new, untraceable, mobile phone.
Gwyneth approaches Dani and Siôn |
As Dani is just giving Siôn all Gwern’s stuff for his day at Y Felin, Gwyneth approaches and complains about, “Others raising my son,” to which Dani responds that tomorrow afternoon she can spend time alone with Gwern. “I’ll discuss it with Garry, but I think it’s time we moved on.”
Britt is none too pleased by what Debbie tells her |
As Britt knocks on Iolo’s door and gets no answer, Debbie comes across for a bit of stirring; “It’s nice to see Siôn taking his Biblical duties seriously – welcoming all those sinners. He looked after Gwyneth at the cookery competition, and didn’t leave her side. He preaches against war and Liam killing people, but with Gwyneth he’s prepared to forgive everything.”
Meanwhile, Gwyneth has had a setback – a letter informs her that the property they were going to rent has been repossessed by the bank, so they have lost their deposit, and she is worried about a lack of stability for Gwern.
Colin with his egg-white omelette |
Colin is in the café, and as part of his fitness routine is served an egg-white omelette with lettuce by Debbie.
Dani advises Colin to "go with his heart" |
Dani encourages him to go ahead with his date with Tessa, but soon he loses his nerve, rings Tessa and tells her he must cancel, as Auntie Renée from Birmingham has died again.
Iolo, scrubbing away at a "dirty" cup |
Britt finds Iolo, and watching his paranoid cleaning of a cup, asks him what the trouble is.
"But this letter says you're NEGATIVE!" |
He admits he has HIV and shows the letter, which Britt points out shows he is negative, but he insists he has it, and knows what the symptoms are.
“So do I,” replies Britt, “You’ve got Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! I have to control it myself every day, the illness is up here,” she says, tapping her head. “This is not the first time it’s happened, is it? You have to go for help.”
Aaron, Gwern, Catrin and Chester at play |
All four children are playing when Gwyneth arrives at Siôn’s, with a chocolate cake; as Siôn tries to work there is a knock at the door – Nicky, posing as someone looking for the way to the Ebbw Vale road. While he is distracted, Gwyneth calls to Gwern.
Britt goes online to find out what help is available for OCD sufferers; Iolo admits that it is affecting his work, but does not want to talk to anyone about it.
"Please don't tell Dad!" |
Britt says she will make an appointment for him, but as she leaves, he grabs her arm and pleads, “Please don’t tell Dad!”
Siôn comes back into the room, saying he thought she would never leave; “Where’s Gwern,” he asks Catrin, and they begin to search for him. Then it dawns upon Siôn that Gwyneth is nowhere to be seen either.
To Siôn's immense relief, Gwern comes in |
This is when Gwern comes back in, asking, “Where’s Mammy?”
As Nicky waits in her car a short distance away, she sees Gwyneth striding towards her, but Gwern is not there.
Gwyneth approaches Nicky's car |
“I’m not going! I can’t do it!” she says. Nicky orders her to go back and get Gwern, but she will not.
Britt recognises the arguing couple |
At that moment, Britt drives past, and notices them arguing. Nicky is unable to change Gwyneth’s mind, and angrily drives off.
When Britt gets home she asks Sion if Gwyneth has been there; he says that Gwern saw her, so he had to let her in. “I hope you didn’t let Nicky, her girlfriend in,” says Britt, “Yes, sorry, she’s got a girlfriend – they shared a cell together.”
"Remember you're married to the sister of the guy she killed!" |
Then she asks, “Why didn’t you say you went to Cogydd Cwm with Gwyneth?” When he replies that he he thought she would be angry, she continues, “Not as angry as I am at you not telling me! This is not doing us any good if you go behind my back to suit Gwyneth! You’ve got your religion and your forgiveness, but remember you’re married to the sister of the guy she killed! Don’t make a fool of me!”
Gwyneth returns to her house, where Garry sees her at the front door; “Dani said you could see Gwern, but I’m not happy! You can see him, but not on your own. If I were you, I’d go to bed early – you look terrible!”
No reply from Nicky – she is on her own now |
She goes inside, punches the door, then tries unsuccessfully to phone Nicky. She drops the phone on the floor, then viciously stamps on it.
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