Gemma is going overboard with the makeup lately |
As Mark gets home from his round, he is surprised to see Gemma donning her makeup; she tells him she met the manager of a bar in Swansea who offered her a job, adding that, “It’s really cool.” Mark asks, “Would I be ‘cool’ enough to get in?”
Sioned tries to phone Ed, to make sure he is safe; Andrew tells her that he has contacted Craig, a friend of Ed’s, who confirmed he is safe and well.
Andrew says she can choose to make the place a success |
They start bickering again, and Sioned laments, “This place is going to the wall, Ed can’t stand me, and I’m stuck here with you!” He tells her that while he was in prison he missed the right to choose, and tells her she can choose to make the Deri more of a success than before; “Something you and Ed could be proud of, and a reason for him to come home quicker!”
Sioned is having business ideas |
She determines to make a go of the pub, and reluctantly agrees that he will have to stay on to help her; she suggests publicising the B&B, and special offers, like three meals for the price of two.
"Getting your dirty claws into Dad?" |
Gemma meets Angela in the street, and says she is making another attempt to, “Get your dirty claws into Dad.”
Mark stands dolefully by the veg display outside the shop, when Dani approaches; before he can say anything to her, Colin dashes out of the shop to show Mark the message he is about to send to Tessa.
Dani emphatically tells Colin, "Lose the innuendo!" |
Dani grabs the phone and advises that he should not sent such a suggestive message, but should keep it friendly and “normal” – he enjoyed meeting her, and asks her out somewhere. “Lose the innuendo!” she tells him.
When Colin returns to work in the shop, Mark asks Dani if she thinks Gemma is all right, as she is acting strangely and has got a job in a trendy bar. He is worried that he is the cause of it.
"It's not my place to say, but you two need to talk." |
Dani tries to be diplomatic; “It’s not you, Mark, but you need to talk,” and she walks away.
Gwyneth's first customer is asking about a tattoo |
Gemma has in fact invited Gwyneth round and is enquiring about having a tattoo on her ankle, to make her seem more “cool” at this bar job.
Mark sits glumly in the café when Colin comes in to show him the reply he has had from Tessa; as he has not had a date for ages, he seems willing to tell Tessa anything, true or not. Mark warns him that the truth will come out – he is not in show business, but works in Eileen’s shop.
Mark is disillusioned with Colin's attitude |
“Is that what love is to you?” asks Mark, “Someone who’ll believe your lies?”
Next Colin calls at the salon, wanting some tips from Dani for his date, and mentions an “all over body fake tan”.
At last, Gemma admits the truth about her deeds to Mark |
Mark returns home and confronts Gemma, telling her that Dani said they need to talk. First alleging that Dani is always busy with Garry, Gwern and her business, Gemma finally admits that, “The business with Dani and CnocCnoc – I did it! The abortion business – I wrote those disgusting messages. The worse things got, the more she needed me – it brought us closer together!”
Mark has listened incredulously to all this, and stops her when she assumes he wants no more to do with her. “You’ll end up hating me, like everyone else! Even my own father doesn’t want me!”
The mention of 'psychologist' has her jumping up in rage |
When Mark mentions the word ‘psychologist’, she freaks; Mark says he does not understand this, but he will look after her.
Eifion has again been unable to contact Angela, but just as she has been talking to Andrew in the Deri, and Sioned is asking her how things are with Eifion, he walks in.
Eifion suggests expanding the business (what will he use for money?) |
They sit down, and Eifion says he has plans to expand the business, which brings feigned enthusiasm from Angela.
Eifion watches the chemistry between Andrew and Angela |
When she goes to the bar, Eifion watches suspiciously the way she chats with Andrew.
Colin's attempt at skipping – unsuccessful, as you might expect |
At home, Colin is on an exercise regime, with weights and a skipping rope.
Mark goes back to Dani, and tells her how horrified he is about Gemma’s behaviour. Dani is angry that she tried to ruin her life and relationship with Garry; “She hasn’t told you that she threw herself at Garry, and then blamed him, has she?
"Gemma has big problems!" |
She has got big problems!”
Mark rushes off, and back home stands silently by the sofa. Gemma tells him that she feels so much better now he knows the truth about Dani, everything is out in the open and that he did not judge her. “I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me,” she says.
Mark is at a complete loss, at the end of his tether |
Mark sits beside her; “I don’t hate you – I think the world of you,” he says, but is unsure what to do next, as she has not told him everything.
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