Hywel is in serious pain – could it be a liver problem? |
Hywel is tinkering with some electronic equipment when he is suddenly doubled up with pain; Gaynor , who has been complaining that she feels flat about going back to teaching, rushes to his side and insists that she take him to hospital immediately.
Angela is at Penrhewl, telling Eifion that she can see why he is angry, but he got it wrong; “Andrew and I are old news,” she tells him, but he says nothing as he mends a cupboard door handle. She says it is easy to misunderstand each other with him at the farm and her in the village.
Cadno comes in and urges him to get the fence mended so the lame lambs can come down from the top field.
Eifion is reprimanded by Cadno for leaving dangerous tools around |
She finds a pair of cutters on the kitchen table and berates Eifion, “What if Bobi got hold of them? They should be kept in the shed!”
"I'm moving out — I've had enough!" |
Eifion informs her, “I’m moving out, leaving Penrhewl! I’ve had enough! I don’t know why I keep slaving here every day – this place makes me sick. I’ll keep working until you find someone to help. You can have my share of the farm for a fair price. I’m moving out tonight to live with Angela.”
Mark meets Colin and urges him to ring Tessa; when Colin does so, telling her he is coming to terms with Auntie Renée’s death, he is told that it is her birthday, and would he meet her at The Red Dragon. Mark looks it up on his phone and finds it an expensive place. Colin asks Mark to lend him £50.
Iolo is having problems leaving the house |
Meanwhile, Iolo has come out of his front door, looked around furtively and gone back inside twice while they have been talking.
Iolo studies the "Help with HIV" website |
When Colin goes home, he tells Iolo about his date, but Iolo is absorbed by a website about HIV.
Gemma is rather perturbed by Mark's interest in her job |
Gemma is once again applying makeup, and tells Mark that is what is expected at work. Mark says, “Maybe I’ll come to see what sort of place it is; I’d like to meet your boss, to see if it’s safe there.” This gets her flustered and he is suspicious.
Cadno has come to the conclusion that people are odd |
Later he meets Cadno in the Deri; she remarks that people are odd, and once you accept that, life becomes easier.
Gaynor orders Hywel to have plenty of rest |
Hywel is back from the hospital, having been diagnosed as having Gastritis, for which antacid tablets should eventually help. When Gaynor asks why he did not tell her weeks ago, he says she was too busy having a mid-life crisis.
Iolo phones Dr Gwyn, “I have an appointment this afternoon – I can’t make it.”
Colin realises he is being taken for an expensive ride |
When Colin is presented with the bill, his mood changes, and he says he is not paying for Rowena. They try to make a joke of it, but Colin asserts, “You may think I’m a clown, but I’m no fool!
"There's my contribution," says Colin, and leaves |
There’s my contribution to the bill – you pay the rest,” and he puts down the £50 which Mark lent him.
Eifion brings Angela the good news that he is moving in with her |
Angela is surprised when Eifion arrives at her house and tells her he has moved out of Penrhewl; “This is the beginning of something new and exciting, under the same roof as you,” he says. Her response is that this is a big step, but he is enthusiastic; “Penrhewl will never come between us again. I’m going to sell my share, so I can be with you, and I’ve brought a bottle to celebrate.”
Angela does not like what is happening |
Angela forces herself to say, “Lovely!” Although she tells him this is happening too fast, he announces, “I’ve realised that I love you!”
She does not seem to share his enthusiasm |
As he embraces her she does not look radiantly happy.
Gaynor tells Hywel not to keep these things to himself, and he comments that she is her old strong self again. “That’s the Gaynor I love – in the middle of things.” “Like a head teacher,” she adds.
Mark is waiting up when Gemma gets home; he says he understands and it is all right if she wants to stay out late at night. He thought it rather odd that she did not want him there, but he is OK with it.
Iolo's obsessive cleanliness and Colin's bad judgment |
Colin gets home in the early hours and finds Iolo scrubbing the kitchen floor; “Why, at this time of the morning?” he asks. He also tells Iolo that he is terrible at judging people, and feels he has been thoroughly used.
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