This radio programme is preying on Jim's mind |
In the café, Jim is not happy, but Debbie tells him she is looking forward to his cooking programme, warning him that everyone will be taking notes. Gemma, whose hair has changed colour, invites Sioned out clubbing tonight.
Gwern looks remarkably well-adjusted. "Hiya!" he says |
Dani is worried that Gwern may be upset at not seeing his mother very often, but he looks quite happy when he says, “Hiya!” to Garry. Garry tells Dani that he will explain if Gwern says anything. Dani is convinced they should not have gone to the solicitor, but he assures her they have to stand firm.
This time it is Gwyneth painting squares on the wall |
Meanwhile Gwyneth is testing paint colours on her wall; she tells Cadno that she has talked to her solicitor, and hopes the solicitor’s threat will knock some sense into Garry. “I can play dirty, too,” she says, but Cadno warns that courts are expensive.
Andrew invites Angela for a meal of rabbit |
Andrew has been to Carmarthen market and tells Angela he is cooking rabbit for supper, inviting her to the meal. He also tells her that he will not be getting the money back, and it has destroyed his relationship with Ed.
"Well, I'm going clubbing, so change your plans!" |
However, when he arrives at the Deri, Sioned announces she is going clubbing, and will not change her mind, so he has to phone Ows to cover.
Dani looks at Gwyneth's demands |
Garry receives the letter from Gwyneth’s solicitor, and is incensed; she wants full custody, with Garry only allowed access once a fortnight. “She’ll regret this, “ he fumes, “See, she’s still the same old Gwyneth; she’s gone too far this time!”
Back view of Sioned's figure-hugging green dress |
When Sioned is ready to go, in her rather fetching green dress, Andrew tells her that the police have informed him there is no chance of getting the money back. Sioned’s rather callous reply is, “What do you expect when you give strangers thousands of pounds?” Then Angela arrives for her supper date.
Sioned, not being particularly polite to Jim |
When Sioned comes downstairs, Gemma is waiting for her, and Jim is still worrying about his programme, telling Sioned he is not used to chatting. “Don’t worry – you can’t shut your mouth usually,” she replies.
Nice cosy little tête á tête over the supper table |
Upstairs Angela enjoys a lovely meal, and Andrew says that with rabbit, you must keep things simple; his life is anything but simple lately, and he doubts that things will ever be the same with Ed.
Angela assures him that he will get through this – it showed what sort of man he was when he took the blame for Gemma. He jokes, “And if I stayed in Cwmderi, I might be with you now.”
Gemma's identity crisis – is she Kylie or Gloria? |
Sioned and Gemma are at a club, drinking Paradise cocktails. A blonde passes and greets Gemma, “Hiya, Kylie!” Sioned is surprised, and Gemma tells her, “That’s who I was last time I was here. I like being a different person, it’s fun.”
Surely there must be something wrong with her |
Then she turns to the barman and asks, “Do you have gigs here? Im a jazz singer, Gloria Davies. I had a gig at Ronnie Scott’s in London last year.”
"I was right about you – you haven't changed a bit." |
In the Deri, Gwyneth and Cadno come in, to be greeted by Garry; “What’s the matter, Gwyneth, can’t you look me in the eye?” He tells her that Gwern is safe with someone who loves him, and continues, “That letter proves I was right about you – you haven’t changed a bit!”
"See you in court!" |
Other customers are watching as he tells her, “See you in court!” Cadno remarks, “If I were you, I’d drag him through the courts too.”
When they have left, Dani agrees with Garry that she needs to be taught a lesson; “Who does she think she is, throwing her weight around?”
Sioned, posing as Jasmine, the restauranteur |
In the club, Sioned is getting into the swing of things, telling people that she has a restaurant in the Swansea Valley, and hopes to open a chain of them.
Sioned tries to ring Ed; that other girl looks rather "out of it" |
Then she suddenly has an attack of conscience, hides in a corner and leaves a message on Ed’s phone: “Ed, I’m so, so sorry. Everything is such a mess.” She tells Gemma that in the morning there will be no restaurant, no Ed and she will be in debt. She cries on Gemma’s shoulder.
Downstairs in the Deri, Eifion is again trying to ring Angela; he tells Jim he does not know where she is.
"Angela? She was at the bottom of the stairs just now." |
Jim helpfully says that she was in the pub earlier, at the bottom of the stairs.
Eifion’s mind whirs into action, and he rushes upstairs, followed by Ows and Jim.
Eifion is extremely irate at what he sees |
Just as Angela is telling Andrew that she is always there for him – he is not on his own, and they embrace, Eifion bursts in. “What the hell are you doing?” he shouts. Only Ows and Jim hanging on to his arms prevents him from attacking Andrew.
Restrained by Ows and Jim, Eifion despairs |
“I knew there was something going on,” Eifion shouts; Angela tells him nothing is going on, and urges him not to make a fool of himself. “You’ve done that for me!” he retorts, and goes back downstairs.