Megan gets under Debbie's skin with her denigration of the bunting |
In the café, Megan, as chair of the Eisteddfod Accommodation Committee, boasts of how many visitors have come to the area. The fact that the café has not seen any of them may be due to all the Union Jack bunting. Debbie replies, “You’ve got an OBE, haven’t you? There must have been lots of red, white and blue at Buckingham Palace!”
Meic is impressed by Debbie's answer |
This predictably offends Megan, but amuses Meic greatly.
Siôn reads up on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
Siôn searches on chwilota.com for “OCD” and then for “Mametz”; there he finds something which surprises him.
Dani agrees that Gwern should be able to see his mother |
Dani goes to visit Gwyneth, who tells her that she told Garry the truth so that she could be free of the hold Dani had over her. Dani says that Gwern needs his mother, and Garry is wrong on this occasion; Gwyneth urges her to tell Garry the truth.
The valuer will let Eifion know how much Penrhewl is worth |
As Cadno is working in the farmyard, she sees Eifion with a man in a suit, a valuer, and complains that she was not consulted. He tells her if he is selling his share, he needs to know what the farm is worth; he assures her he will not swindle her.
They are arguing again! |
She does not like it when he tells her she will need to find the money quickly, as he has heard there is a conglomerate buying up land around Llanarthur.
"How do you expect me to pay?" |
“How do you expect me to pay you?” asks Cadno, and Eifion suggests another solution – she could keep the house, the stock and a bit of the land; he would have the rest of the land and sell it on. She objects to this idea; “Never! It wouldn’t be Penrhewl – I want the entire farm, and I’ll find the money!” but she does not know how.
Meic is going to visit Kevin next month |
Meic has been looking at old photos, and when Debbie brings an order to him in the café kitchen, he is miles away; he tells her that he has been thinking about family, and decided to visit Kevin next month.
Garry puzzles over what Gwyneth's game is |
Garry wonders why Gwyneth suddenly told the truth; “She must have a plan – she wouldn’t tell the truth without a reason! I’m going to find out what her game is.”
"Home-made peppercorn sauce for your steak?" |
Dani is preparing salad, and almost confesses to him, but at the last minute instead asks him if he wants steak and chips, with home-made peppercorn sauce.
Siôn goes to the café, where Megan warns him, “Britannia is in full sail today!” He tells Debbie that he has news about Meic’s grandfather; when she sees the official record which he has printed, she says it would be best if she broke the news to him.
Here is the incriminating peppercorn sauce packet |
Dani is cooking when Garry comes back in; “Why have you lied to me? You’ve been deceiving me.” Dani thinks he has found out, but what he actually means is that he has seen her with a packet of peppercorn sauce mix – it is not “home-made”.
When he sees the guilty look on her face, he asks, “What’s going on?” Dani then admits that she stopped Gwyneth taking him to court when she found out about her plan to abduct Gwern. “Gwyneth is willing to be reasonable, and I think you should be too.”
Garry is highly disillusioned |
Garry sinks into a chair; “Throughout my life I’ve been looking for a woman I could trust, and thought I’d found her, but once again that was too much to ask!”
Dani argues that she was standing up for him, but Garry replies, “I don’t want you to stand up for me – I want you to be honest!”
"It will do him good to stay away from his mother!" |
Dani tries to tell him that keeping Gwern from his mother is not the right thing to do, but Garry insists, “It will do him good to stay away from her!”
Then Dani reminds him that he once took Gwern away – “Are the rules different for you?” Garry snaps, “Gwern and what happens to him are none of your business! I’ll sleep on the sofa until I decide what to do!”
Gwyneth, with her Reiki flyers |
Gwyneth intends to start her Reiki business from home, and puts advertising flyers on the pews at Bethania. Siôn tells her he will have a session, although she does not think he looks like a “Reiki” man to her.
What else, beside shoes, did he take off? |
Later, in Gwyneth’s house, as he is putting his shoes back on (what exactly does Reiki involve?) he pays her £20. Gwyneth goes on about friends helping each other, and is disappointed when he announces, “I won’t be able to help you much in future, but you’ll be welcome at the chapel.”
Something has just come into her devious little mind |
As he leaves, Gwyneth breaks into a broad conspiratorial smile.
Meic is appalled by what he reads |
Debbie calls Meic upstairs in the café, and presents him with the evidence brought by Siôn. He reads the record in English; “Robert Isaac Pierce, 7 August 1916, court-martialled, death sentence. For cowardice in the face of duty, approved by Field Marshal Haig, shot at dawn by firing squad.”
“Nefi wen!” exclaims Meic, “Grandmother must have bought the medal and made up the story.” He feels sad that Nain felt so ashamed of his grandfather that she tried to change history.
Meic kisses Debbie's hand |
Debbie attempts to comfort him, and he kisses her hand.
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