Bobi appears to be investigating agricultural physics |
Cadno arrives at Angela’s with the children and leaves them for Eifion to look after, as she has a farm to run;
"Come up with the money, or I'll sell half the land" |
Eifion tells her if she does not pay him, he will sell half of the land – there is an interested builder. When she has gone, Angela suggests he could go to the farm and help her; “Better doing something than complaining here.” He flatly refuses.
Siôn informs them that Iolo is staying at Y Felin |
Siôn turns up at Gethin and Colin’s to collect Iolo’s stuff, and he tells them that Iolo is staying with him for a while.
"Hallelujah!" responds Colin |
“Hallelujah!” says Colin, “His constant cleaning has been driving us crazy; he’s been like an old woman around the place, and even flipped if someone used his mug.”
Siôn reveals that Iolo has OCD, which is serious, blames them for not noticing that something was very wrong, and says they should be ashamed.
"We shall be able to afford Eifion's share of the farm" |
Eileen is completing the shop’s VAT returns, and Jim suggests that when he sells Maes-y-Deri, they will have enough to buy Eifion’s share of the farm. Eileen disagrees, saying that leaving Penrhewl was the best thing she did, and vowing never to go back there.
Jim investigates the going price for farmland |
Jim goes round to the café, where he borrows the laptop, and looks on chwilota.com for “Farms for sale in South Wales”.
Anita comes in to put the damper on their cavorting |
Meic and Debbie are in a light-hearted mood, dancing when Anita comes in and shows her distaste, telling Debbie that Meic is “sophisticated” (and by implication, too good for her).
Iolo obsessively stacking blocks . . . |
At Y Felin, Iolo is methodically stacking wooden blocks in their storage box as Siôn comes in with his clothes; he is angry that Siôn has told Gethin and Colin what is wrong with him.
. . . and sorting out other toys |
Later, as the children are watching television and Iolo is packing away their game, Britt tells them to go to the park, and Catrin pleads with Iolo to come with them.
"Come to the park, or Chester will be nasty to me" |
He appears to agree, and goes upstairs “to change”, but is a very long time. By the time he comes back down, Gethin and Colin have arrived to apologise as they did not realise the seriousness of Iolo’s condition.
Iolo is not pleased to hear what Colin has to say |
Colin says, “I thought you were cleaning a lot because you’re gay.” When Gethin asks if he is getting help, Iolo replies that it is not necessary as it is not that serious, and refuses to shake Gethin’s hand.
Eileen is left to watch the eclairs, while they go upstairs |
Debbie is worried that Meic is “going off” her, so Meic asks Eileen to watch the shop (and help herself to eclairs) and takes Debbie upstairs, where he announces that losing interest is far from the truth.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" |
He asks her, “Will you be my girlfriend?” He wants to things properly, even though it may seem old-fashioned.
Angela wants Eifion to sell his share of the farm |
Meanwhile, downstairs, Eileen asks Angela, “Are they ‘seeing’ each other?” Then she says that it would be better if Eifion went back to working at the farm, but Angela maintains that she cannot wait for him to sell.
Cadno has phoned to ask when she will have a decision about the loan, and rings for help from Jeff, as one of the cows is having problems calving.
As Anita is phoning Jinx at the studio, asking how Taid is and hoping he is better soon, Meic comes home and announces that he now has a girlfriend.
Anita finds this situation ridiculous |
Anita ridicules this statement, so Meic leaves again; “I might see you later, or I might not!” are his parting words.
"Would you consider selling to anyone else?" |
Jim pays a visit to Eifion, enquiring if Cadno has raised the money, and whether he has considered selling the land to anyone else.
"I shall deal with this on my own," insists Iolo |
Iolo tries to explain to Siôn how he has to make sure everything is in order, and Siôn says he must realise that what he is doing does not make sense. “It makes sense to me, and I shall deal with this on my own and in my own way,” he insists, and escapes upstairs again.
Marian is a good, old-fashioned cook |
As Marian is topping her cake with icing sugar, Cadno comes in and mournfully announces that the calf has died; “I said you should have phoned Eifion,” says Marian.
"I said you should have phoned Eifion" |
Eileen tells Jim that the shop, in common with other businesses in the village, made less profit this quarter; Jim replies, “That’s why I think Penrhewl is a good opportunity to invest in our future.”
"Sioned tried to kill me!" |
“The last time my child and I were together in that place, she tried to kill me!” says Eileen, “Every time I go into that kitchen, I see Sioned with the gun in her hand! I can’t go back!”
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