Siôn ignores Gwyneth in the street |
Siôn walks from Bethania, and tries to ignore Gwyneth, who goes into her house.
Dani does not want anything to do with Gemma |
Dani comes into the café, and Gemma asks if she would like to go to the Eisteddfod; Dani says, “Don’t be pathetic – I don’t want anything from you!”
Colin asks Siôn that as he knows these Eisteddfod people, what would happen if he did not turn up at the Eisteddfod, and Siôn admonishes him, as people will have already bought tickets. Colin then tells Mark that, as he said, it is too late to pull out now, but Mark is unmoved.
Gwyneth is having her supervised visit to Gwern, with both Garry and Dani watching her like hawks, much to her displeasure.
They start on the jigsaw puzzle |
Gwern thanks his mother for the present she brought, a jigsaw puzzle of the world; they start to assemble it with Canada.
Just as Gwyneth is enjoying herself, Dani intervenes |
Dani is being excessively helpful, which irritates Gwyneth. She brings Gwern his favourite milkshake, and Gwern enjoys blowing down the straw, making bubbles.
Gwern having a good time, blowing down the straw |
Gwyneth testily says, “Do you have to make so much noise?” to which he replies, “Sorry!” and grins. Dani also pointedly remarks that they have not yet found the piece for Spain.
When the hour is up, the world puzzle is nearly finished; Garry remarks, “Even God took a week to finish the world,” and then adds, “Sorry, Gwyn, I forgot you’re religious these days.” Then Dani tells her that she can see Gwern whenever it is convenient for her; Gwyneth has had enough of this false friendship, and leaves.
Mark is concerned, but Gemma regards it as prying |
As Gemma puts on her makeup again and prepares to go “to work” again, Mark asks her about it, but she concocts the names of two friends, Jenny and Alice, and says, “You sound more like a policeman than a postman!” When Mark mentions that Colin saw her the other night, she makes up a story about applying for a Cocktail Waitress job, and accuses Colin of stirring up trouble because he is jealous of them.
Gethin's soup kitchen products being loaded into the van |
Gethin loads some containers of soup into a van, then sees Sheryl watering the plants outside the salon, and invites her for a glass of wine.
Mark looks through Gemma's pockets |
Just as Mark is looking in the pockets of Gemma’s leather jacket for some evidence, Colin arrives with some flowers for him. Mark confesses he is not happy about Gemma going out at night, but can do nothing about it. Colin tells him that young people do some strange things, and Mark says Colin is the nearest thing he has to a “shrink.”
"I don't want her to feel comfortable" |
After Gwyneth has gone, and Garry thinks she was overdoing things, Dani tells him that she behaved as she did as, “I don’t want her to feel comfortable, but keep her on her toes.”
Gwyneth continues buttering up Siôn |
Siôn is having a quiet drink in the Deri when Gwyneth joins him, thanking him for last night; it has helped her to start forgiving herself. Siôn says she should be forgiving him, and tells her he is still angry at the way she deceived him. “You didn’t seem very angry last night!” she comments.
Sheryl and Gethin being entertained by the comedians |
Sheryl and Gethin sit on the sofa, drinking wine, and looking rather “cosy” while Colin and Mark practise their routine, and argue about how it should be executed.
Colin and Mark think they can succeed |
They think that with a morning’s serious rehearsal they can manage their 15-minute slot at the Eisteddfod tomorrow night.
Colin tells Mark that he and Gemma need to talk, “You don’t want the Tessas of this world to take advantage,” he says.
Financial Advisor, Stella, being chatted up |
Meanwhile, in a dark club somewhere, Gemma is being propositioned by a stranger in a suit; she has been calling herself Stella, a Financial Advisor, but this man is after more than financial advice.
It becomes clear exactly what he is after |
He is not impressed by her rejection of him; “Is this the way you treat your customers?” he demands. When he wants her to, “Tell me more about what you can offer me,” she manages to escape.
Has this experience brought Gemma to her senses? |
Mark arrives home to find her already there, minus makeup and in her dressing gown. He can see that something is wrong, but she will only say that Dani upset her this morning. Mark says he is worried that she is “going off” him, but she assures him, “I want you more than ever now, Mark!”
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