Gwyneth thanks Siôn for "being there" |
Siôn sings to himself as he clears up the hymnbooks, then Gwyneth walks in and thanks him for “being there” for her; “What happened the other day meant a lot to me.” Siôn assures her that the chapel will always be there for her when she needs it, and she asks will he still be a friend.
They do not realise who is watching |
“Of course,” he replies and they hug — of course, Britt has silently entered and watches them, although they do not realise.
"So this is where you're hiding" |
Just as Siôn tells her that He knows everything,” and looks upwards, Britt interrupts, “So this is where you’re hiding!”
She reminds him he has to ring Iolo about the boiler at Y Felin, “But if you have more important things to do, I understand perfectly well!”
Iolo doing the cleaning again |
Colin is happy with how the gig went on Saturday and he and Gethin are going to Llanelli tonight with Sheryl, and announces Gethin, a mystery woman. Iolo is cleaning and does not want to go; Gethin remarks, “He’s turned into an old woman lately!”
Andrew has done a runner, again |
In the Deri, Sioned is angry that she cannot contact Andrew, and DJ hands her a note, which reads, “You’ll be angry with me, but I can’t stay and make things worse for you. You’re better off without me. Sorry, Andrew.”
Sioned does not know what she is supposed to do; “The pub going under, and now I’m on my own!”
The lovely Gwen, waiting for her date |
Meanwhile, Gethin sees Gwen, looking very smart, with her hair down, and she tells him she is waiting for her date to arrive.
Outside the chippy, Britt is moaning to Dani, “Who does that Gwyneth think she is? So false, playing at being a chapel-goer, just to get respect the easy way, and making a fool of Siôn.
"Who know what he would do, if he got the chance?" |
Dani says, “If he almost did it last time with Arianrhod, who knows what he’d do if he got another chance?” which does nothing to reassure Britt.
Siôn goes on about himself and ignores Iolo |
Siôn goes to Iolo’s, lamenting that the boiler has died, and on Eisteddfod week, too. He says he has to keep Britt happy, as she does not like him supporting Gwyneth, and goes on about how she is still trying although everyone is against her. After continuing in this vein, he asks Iolo if he can sort out the boiler, and without enquiring once about Iolo’s wellbeing, leaves again.
Is that Gwen I see behind the counter? |
Dani sits by Gwyneth in the café, after ordering a cappuchino from Gwen, in her working gear and hair tied back (SERIOUS LAPSE IN CONTINUITY), Dani asks what is going on between her and Siôn, and is told, “He’s helping me through a difficult time.”
Dani says she ought to stay away from Siôn |
“Is that what you call it,” retorts Dani, and adds, threateningly, “I think you should stay away from Bethania and Siôn, or I’ll tell Garry about the plane tickets!”
Back at home, Britt snarls at Siôn, “You were hugging!” but before she can say more, Iolo arrives.
He soon has the boiler working again, and sits down to talk with Britt, who is sewing; she asks him what he thinks of Gwyneth, but then pricks her finger and asks Iolo to get a plaster.
The sight of blood causes Iolo to panic |
He looks aghast at the blood, and then rushes out of the door.
Colin hears that they have a booking on Thursday |
Colin boasts in the Deri how well their gig went, so Sioned tells then they can have a booking for Thursday night; she will order plenty of cheap beer, and stands to make lots of profit.
Gwen has been stood up, so Gethin invites her out |
Geth looks round at Gwen, who is waiting forlornly for her blind date from Swansea who has not turned up; and invites her to come with them.
Garry asks Dani why Gwern listens to her, but not to him, and she replies, “I have a special talent for making people do what I want.”
Garry does not appear to be receptive |
Then Gwyneth arrives and announces that she wants to wipe the slate clean, and admits she planned to take Gwern to Spain, away from Garry, but she did not. Now she wants to move on, and for everyone to be honest, for Gwern’s sake.
"Don't come anywhere near him!" |
Garry is very suspicious at this, and shortly afterwards goes round to her house, where she repeats the same sentiments. Garry emphasises, “There’s no such thing as a clean slate between you and me – so don’t come anywhere near him!”
She meekly accepts her punishment, and Garry remarks, “You need help – a psychologist’s help!”
Gwen and Gethin have enjoyed their evening . . . |
Gethin and Gwen arrive home and sit on the sofa, becoming quite amorous.
So much so that they are about to . . . |
Gwen says she is glad her date did not turn up; “Me, too,” agrees Gethin, and as they are about to kiss, loud-mouth Colin and Sheryl turn up. Colin continues to make a lot of noise, and turns on the radio, while Gethin says to Gwen, “I never thought of you as a biker chick.”
They agree to meet up again |
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” she replies, but then Iolo comes downstairs, unable to sleep because of the noise. He turns off the radio, then sees that Gwen is using his mug; he grabs it from her, shouting, “It’s my mug!”
Gethin demands that Iolo apologise, and the girls think it is time to leave.
Iolo has now really "lost the plot" |
“You’ve spoilt our evening,” complains Gethin, but Iolo, now in tears, repeats, “It’s my mug!” and rushes upstairs.
Gethin shouts after him, “You’re completely nuts!” and tells Colin, “Either he starts behaving like a normal person, or I’m going to get rid of him.”
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