"Someone has stolen our wheelie-bin!" roars Jim |
Jim rushes into the shop, shouting to Eileen that someone has stolen their wheelie-bin, but Eileen is rather unconcerned.
Dai, trying to sell his idea to Hywel |
In APD, Dai is suggesting to Hywel that the Rugby Club should celebrate its 111th anniversary by getting a famous player for the season – a Springbok! Hywel dismisses it as a “stunt”.
A bit of subterfuge gets Iolo downstairs |
Gethin noisily opens, then closes, the front door to give the impression he has gone out; sure enough, Iolo comes downstairs, and Gethin asks, “What have you got to say for yourself? ‘Sorry’ would be a good start!”
Gethin gives Iolo an ultimatum |
Iolo tells him he is playing with fire, bringing women home, “Who knows what you could catch!” Gethin responds angrily, “Gwen and I are just friends. What is this – Health and Safety week? Don’t lecture me on morals – I remember guys leaving here early in the morning. I meant what I said, if you don’t behave like a normal person, I want you out!”
Debbie is not impressed by all this Eisteddfod lark |
Debbie has put up Union Jack bunting in the café, saying it is more important to remember the Great War than all this “Middle-class Welsh shindig.” Meic mentions that his grandfather died in the first World War.
"If it hadn't been for you and her . . ." |
Siôn asks Britt how her thumb is, and she blames him for it; “If it hadn’t been for you and her,” adding, “You can’t see what’s right in front of you!”
Iolo, about to jump up and get away from Colin |
Iolo is writing in a notebook when Colin comes in and apologises for being drunk last night; as he sits by Iolo on the sofa, Iolo moves away. “Gethin must be right – if you can’t live with us, you’d better leave!” says Colin.
He writes, "HIV" again in his notebook |
When he goes, Iolo writes (left-handed) “HIV” in his book and underlines it three times.
Knowing Debbie, one wonders where the money will end up |
In the cafe, Debbie has a collecting bucket, to which Siôn contributes, although describing the Great War as, “An unnecessary massacre,” and says the café looks like the Imperial War Museum. Debbie retorts, “If everyone was like you, we’d all be speaking German!” Meic comes in with his grandfather’s bravery medal, from the battle of Mametz.
Dai tells Jim to stop moaning while he is talking to Garry on the phone |
At APD, Dai is on the phone to Garry, threatening to take his van to Llanelli for its MOT, when Jim bursts in shouting about his missing bin.
Dai explains his plan, but Jim just wants his bin back |
When Dai outlines his plan for bringing in an international rugby player, Jim is more interested in unmasking the thief, and goes off in search of his bin.
Siôn goes to visit Iolo again, and Iolo gives him the news that the lads want to kick him out of the house.
Iolo tells his father he is HIV positive |
“I’ve had enough of me, and I don’t blame them,” he says. He explains to Siôn that he has HIV, that he is in the hands of a doctor and a therapist, and insists he will be fine, but does not want his father to touch him.
"No, he hasn't got HIV, he has OCD!" |
Siôn hurries home to tell Britt, but she informs him that Iolo does not have HIV, and she has seen the test results; rather he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and is receiving psychological treatment. Siôn is panicking, “So my sons have mental problems! Is it hereditary? Is it the way I raised them?”
Britt tells him she never mentioned it before as, “You had other things on your mind,” and reminds him she is, “A bit of an expert on OCD.”
"Someone knows where my wheelie-bin is!" |
Jim marches into the Deri and announces, “Right, listen! Someone in this village knows where my wheelie-bin is. I want it back or there’ll be trouble!” Eileen simply suggests they get a new one.
Later he has been on the phone to the council, and will be getting a replacement, but, “It’s the principle!” he shouts.
Dai addresses the committee members; they are not enthusiastic |
The rest of the Rugby Club committee arrive and hear Dai’s plan, with little enthusiasm, but he is determined to get his own way.
Siôn will do some research into the battle of Mametz |
Siôn offers to research the battle of Mametz, where Meic’s grandfather was killed, to find out the truth.
Iolo starts building bridges with his house-mates |
Iolo is polishing the cutlery and cooking chilli when Colin and Gethin come home; he has found internet vouchers for The Bull, and will pay for Gethin and Gwen to have a meal there. He will also buy Colin a few pints.
When faced with his mug and a hammer, he cannot do it |
He says things are going to change, but when Gethin presents him with his mug and a large hammer, Iolo is unwilling to take action.
The mug smashes on the floor |
Gethin drops it on the floor; as they leave, Iolo is again reduced to a gibbering wreck.
They leave Iolo in a terrible state |
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