Friday, 29 August 2014

28 August 2014

"You could wear a pink tie, to match my bouquet"
Dani fusses over wedding plans;  she tells Garry, “You could wear a pink tie, or would you prefer white?”   He simply mumbles, “Yeah, lovely,” so she continues to recommend a purple suit with orange spots, but this time he replies, “I don’t think orange suits me!”
"Are you still going ahead with that?"
Dani says there is so much to do with this “Poll Tax, which Garry corrects, “Deed Poll;  are you still going ahead with that?   Gwern will never be able to remember.”
Eifion is afraid that Eileen and Jim will want a cheap deal
When Cadno tells Eifion at the farm that she has found a buyer, he asks how long she has been planning this behind his back.   On hearing that it is Eileen and Jim, he is afraid that, as he got the farm cheap from Eileen, she will want the same deal.   Cadno hands him the paperwork, but he will not promise anything.
"Oh, you shouldn't have spent so much on me!"
Meic has a box delivered, and presents Anita with her birthday present a week early – a new slow cooker.   She says they can have stew for lunch.
"Why is Iolo always writing?"
At Y Felin, Catrin asks Britt why Iolo is always writing;  he says they are business ideas, but Britt reminds him he has not been outside all week, and he should speak to a professional.   He insists he is fine, and suggests a visit to the Deri to prove it.
"Will you help your sister organise her wedding?"
Dani finds Gethin, and asks if he wants to help his sister organise her wedding.   In the flat, she shows him pictures of bouquets, but he enquires, “Why change your name?”   
"Chardonnay sounds posh!"
In response to her being fed up with “Dani” and wanting to sound posh, Gethin looks up the name Chardonnay online on his phone, and shows Dani his findings, 
Suddenly, Dani loses her enthusiasm for the name
A famous actress known for her rôles in adult films!”   
Dani is horrified;  “So she . . . ?”   “Yes,” replies Gethin.   Dani’s reaction is, “Yuck!   I shall have to think of something else.”   He tells her that changing her name will not change anything;  “You’ll still be his daughter.”   Dani is afraid that when people look at her they will think of Moc.   Gethin stresses, “What Moc did was unforgiveable, but it was not our fault!   
"You can't be scared, if you're marrying Garry!"
Be proud of ‘Dani Thomas’ – she is not scared of anything – and you’ve proved that by marrying Garry!”
Eifion tells Angela the latest developments, and is surprised at the valuation – £250,000 to £300,000.   With a little persuasion from Angela, he decides, “If they want it, they can have it!”   They will go out for a posh meal to celebrate.
Meic mentions Debbie's name, and Anita is put off her food
Anita and Meic enjoy their lamb stew, and reminisce about how they used to serve it to Darren and Dwayne when they were children.   Anita’s attitude changes when Meic suggests taking some for Debbie to sample, then they might serve it at the café.
"Come on, Iolo, I want a pint!"
As Britt and the children walk in the rain towards the Deri, Catrin urges Iolo, “Come on, Iolo, I want a pint!”   At the Deri, Iolo is quiet and wants nothing to do with anyone.   Cadno arrives, having been summoned by Eifion, on the way to his meal, and is given the good news that he will sell to Eileen and Jim.  
Cadno's troubles appear to be over
She is overjoyed and throws her arms around him.
Meic hopes there is enough hot water for him to have a bath before seeing Debbie this evening, which starts off Anita again;  “Why should I have half a bath just in case you have a date?   She has got you just where she wants you;  she wants to make a fool of you!   
"Has it occurred to you that she's after your money?"
Debbie, of all people!   Has it occurred to you that she’s after your money?”
Meic is angry;  “Has it crossed your mind that she might like me?   I don’t like the way you talk about her.   The truth is I’m enjoying myself – it’s a long time since I’ve been so happy.   Thanks for lunch, but you needn’t bother again!”
Scheming Eifion decides he does not fancy eating out
Cadno has to leave the Deri, and then Eifion says he has gone off the idea of eating out, so they go back home. 
Surprise meal, laid on by Eifion
Angela is surprised to see the table laid, and their chef, DJ, secretly engaged by Eifion for the occasion, tells them the starter will be ready in a few minutes.
Garry and Dani come into the Deri;  Catrin speaks to Dani, but Garry corrects her, “It’s Chardonnay.”   
"Hallelujah!" exclaims Garry
Dani however insists that she has changed her mind;  “Hallelujah!” exclaims Garry.
Iolo realises what he has done
As the group prepare to leave, Britt eats one of Catrin’s crisps, which makes her choke.   She grabs Iolo’s bottle of drink, but Iolo immediately and roughly snatches it, injuring Britts mouth.   
The result of Iolo's attack
Iolo then flees the scene, followed by Dani.   
"Tell Britt I'm sorry!"
When he reaches the door of number 7, he fumbles with the key, asks Dani to tell Britt he is sorry and disappears inside.
Garry tries to explain to the children that sometimes people do things without thinking.   Britt tells them that it is not his fault, he has OCD.   
"No, Garry!   Iolo needs help!"
Garry still wants to go and sort him out, but Dani stops him, saying that Iolo needs help.
Iolo cowers inside the back door
Iolo sits on the floor by the back door, frantically writing in his book, and reading out the words;  “I didn’t want to hurt anyone – if I hadn’t moved to Y Felin, it wouldn’t have happened – if I hadn’t gone out – I didn’t want her to suffer,” and then he sits, struggling to speak.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

27 August 2014

Gemma is tempted to get up to her old "dating" tricks
As Gemma eats her toast she receives a CnocCnoc message from Bryn, then Mark comes in, saying he has a day off, so she makes as if to drag him off upstairs.   
Mark is reluctant to get seduced into bed
He instead suggests that they go out somewhere.
Ed is back, but things are not looking rosy
As Sioned pores over the pub’s books, suddenly Ed is standing in the doorway, sporting a black eye, which he received during a brawl “on the rigs.”   He hopes that, “Things aren’t that bad, but we shall sort it out;”  however, after looking at the accounts he soon changes his mind.
"You've sacked half the profits!"
“So you let DJ and Gwyneth run the place?” he says incredulously, and Sioned proudly tells him that she sacked them both.   “Do you realise how much we make on meals?” Ed asks, “You’ve sacked half the profits!   We won’t be able to open the place at this rate!   You have no idea what you’ve done!”
Jim waits anxiously for Eileen to return from the bank, and when she does, she announces that it has all gone through.  
Jim seems exceedingly pleased at the news
Jim is triumphant;  “This place, APD and now the farm – we’ll soon be running Cwmderi!   This is the first thing we’ve done as husband and wife.”
Colin hears of the proposed name change
Dani tells Colin in the shop that as she will be changing everything to the name “Monk”, she might as well change to “Chardonnay” at the same time.   Colin is certain he has heard the name “Chardonnay Monk” before somewhere.
Gwyneth somewhat displeased at losing her job
Siôn also comes in and sees Gwyneth there, who is somewhat dejected since Sioned sacked her, and after she leaves, Colin says that the job was the only thing keeping her going.
"All right, Shar?" says Mark
Debbie in the café ridicules Dani’s idea, saying she will refer to her as “Oi!” or possibly “Blondie”.   Then Mark comes in, with Gemma, and addresses Dani, “All right, Shar?”   Gaynor comes in to arrange a meeting about Ricky, and Debbie tells her, “Three this afternoon, upstairs!”
Gemma, once again aggrieved that she is not the centre of attention
Gemma complains that she wanted to go out somewhere, but Mark says that Ricky is the most important thing at the moment.
Eileen has texted Sioned, asking her to come round, and when she does, she asks her mother to lend her and Ed a couple of thousand pounds.   
"You put everyone else before me – again!"
Of course, when she hears that all her mother’s money has gone on buying Eifion’s share of Penrhewl, she starts her customary whinging, “I can’t believe you put everyone else before me again!   Two people need your help – one not even a relative and one your daughter!   I don’t know why I expected anything different.”   As she flounces off, Jim tells Eileen that she has done the right thing.
Gwyneth, hoping to catch a glimpse of Gwern
Siôn joins Gwyneth, sitting outside the Deri, looking up at the flat above the chippy, hoping to get a glimpse of Gwern.   She tells Siôn this is worse than prison – he is within reach, but she cannot touch him.   “I sometimes think leaving is the best thing for him and me,” she says.
Jim and Eileen deliver the good tidings that Cadno had hoped for
Cadno is in the farm kitchen when Jim and Eileen arrive with the good news that her home is safe, and she is overjoyed;  when she says the outside tap is broken, Jim assures her that the new investor can fix that.   
Still no reply from Sioned
Meanwhile, Eileen tries unsuccessfully to contact Sioned.
Sioned arrives back at the Deri without the loan, and Ed greets the news with, “You’re no good at fixing problems, only creating them!”   When Sioned says she tried hard to get the money, he retorts, “As hard as stealing that £20,000 of my money?   The few thousand I earned on the rigs won’t solve the mess you made.   
"If I had the money, I wouldn't have come back!"
If I had the money I wouldn’t have come back!”
Siôn finds a "Knitting Tutor" job for Gwyneth
Outside the Deri, Siôn looks through the job adverts and suggests to Gwyneth a “Knitting Classes Tutor for the Elderly”, which causes amusement.   “Something will turn up,” he assures her.
When Mark arrives for the meeting with Gaynor, he has Gemma in tow;  she does not like it when he sends her home.   
Gaynor promises wondrous things to keep Debbie happy
Gaynor assures Debbie that Ricky will have personal supervision for the next two years, and any problems will immediately be brought to Debbie’s attention.   
Debbie smugly thinks she has "got one over" on the headmistress
This satisfies her, and after Gaynor has gone, she tells Mark she never intended to take Ricky from the school, but, “It’s nice having the head pandering to us!”
Dani is looking for a photogenic field, with cows and sheep
Dani arrives at the farm, having had the idea of wedding photos being taken in a field, preferably with cows and sheep in the background;  investor Jim tells her different fields have different prices.
Poor neglected Gemma thinks about another date
Mark arrives home, after a few cans with Debbie, bringing some chips as he does not fancy going out;  this displeases Gemma, and she toys with the idea of sending a CnocCnoc message to this Bryn.
Sioned announces that the debt has been paid
Colin takes an envelope to Sioned in the Deri, settling the bill she gave to Gwyneth, then Gwyneth herself comes in, with Siôn of course, and is told that the debt has been paid.   Colin tells her that a lot of people have contributed, as they had taken advantage of her at the bar.
"Thank you, Siôn!"
She turns to Siôn and says, “Thank you!”

26 August 2014

"I should be doing this interview, not Ffion!"
Gaynor is dealing with school paperwork, and tells Hywel she should be doing this interview, not Ffion.   He replies, “Why should you have to justify her decisions and mistakes?”
Gaynor tells him that the results scared her;  she has to restore the school’s good name, and the governors are keen to have her back.
Ffion looks far from confident
Meanwhile, Ffion is nervous, and although she apologises to Jinx for the way she reacted yesterday, he is still keeping silent.   “I hope we can forget this fiasco quickly,” she says, and Jinx wishes her good luck.
Meic is again looking at a visiting order, as Diane comes into the café looking worse for wear after a wild bingo night with Glenys.   
Dani has not made any wedding preparations
She gives Dani a “Brides” supplement from the Sunday paper, and Dani admits she has not made any arrangements yet.   “Come with me,” says Diane, “We have a wedding to plan.”
Ffion is not overjoyed at the news that Debbie is coming
In the studio, Hywel reveals, just before the interview starts, that Debbie will be coming;  “Yesterday we heard about the results at Ysgol y Mynach, today the headmistress, Ffion Llywelyn is here,” he announces.   Ffion says she hopes to explain and analyse the results and allay the fears of parents.
Anita wants Megan to warn Meic off Debbie
Anita has invited Megan round for a chat, telling her that she is worried about Meic spending so much time with Debbie, and asks if Megan, as an old friend, would have a word with him.
Dani is upset that her Mam and Dad will not be at the wedding
At Diane’s, Dani is upset by the fact that her wedding will not look like those in the supplement – “There won’t be a ‘top table’ with Dad and Mam,” she says, “I haven’t spoken to Mam for years – and what Dad did – well . . .”   Diane tells her she has many friends, and they are in effect, her family;  “When you’re married, you’ll be a ‘Monk’, and we all know how they look after each other.”   
"Diane, will you give me away?"
Dani asks Diane, “Will you walk me up the aisle and give me away?” and Diane says it will be a pleasure.
She considers how her middle name sounds
Then Dani muses, “Does Dani Monk suit me?   No, Dani Chardonnay Monk!”   She reveals she was named after her mother’s favourite wine, and concludes, “It would suit me better than Dani,” while Diane looks askance.
Jinx gets worried that Debbie will stir things up for Ffion
Debbie tells Meic that she is going to CwmFM to put the parents’ point of view on Ffion’s interview.   Jinx, sitting nearby, overhears and asks why she is going;  “To sort out your girlfriend!” is the reply, which worries Jinx.
At the studio, Debbie dives right in by asking what the school will be doing differently next year, as her son is there, and she has a right to know.   Despite Hywel’s assertion that they are not there to discuss individual pupils, Debbie continues, “As last year’s headmistress, what did you do wrong?”
Ffion mentions Gaynor's name, and the interview ends
Ffion answers, “I didn’t do anything wrong – I was following a five-year plan created by Gaynor Llywelyn!”   As soon as Gaynor’s name is dragged into the argument, Hywel stops the discussion and plays some music.   Gaynor hears this at home, grabs her bag and hurries out.
Hywel berates Ffion for bringing his wife’s name into the debate, then Gaynor marches in and begins shouting at Ffion, and is closely followed by Jinx.   
Debbie will send Ricky to another school
Debbie insists that if Ricky cannot get a good education, she will send him to another school, and hurries back to the café.
"I am head until next week!"
Gaynor rages, “What gave you the right to speak on behalf of the school?” and Ffion reminds her, “I am head until next week!”   Jinx blames Hywel for bringing Debbie into the discussion.
“You’ve never sounded like a head!” Gaynor shouts, “I’m back and I have a lot to sort out to get the school back on its feet.   Don’t you dare do anything like that again, or you won’t have a job!”
Jinx comforts Ffion
Gaynor leaves and orders Hywel to come with her;  Ffion, almost in tears, begs Jinx, “Don’t say it, ‘I told you so’!” but Jinx simply hugs her
"If you don't feel ready to visit Kevin, don't go"
Debbie arrives at the café, where Meic admires the way she stands up for Ricky, “Not like my son and me,” he laments.   “What would I say to him?   That I’m happy in his wife’s arms while he rots in jail?”   Debbie reminds him there is a reason why Kevin is there.
Gwen is in the limelight again
Then Megan comes in for her chat with Meic, but he urges her to get to the point, and becomes angry when she says, 
Meic takes exception to this denigration of Debbie
“You and Debbie – do you think it’s wise?   You know what she’s like!”
Meic replies, “I’m enjoying myself, something that’s not happened for years.   Is it so difficult to believe that Debbie enjoys my company?”
"I won't be coming home tonight," Meic announces
When Anita arrives to check on the progress of her plan, Meic stands up an announces, “I’m feeling fine and won’t be coming home tonight – I’ll be staying here.”
Outside in the street, Dani has persuaded Diane to try an experiment, to see how the new name sounds.   
"Chardonnay . . . Chardonnay!"
She walks a little way along, then Diane shouts, “Chardonnay . . . Chardonnay!”   Dani thinks it sounds just right.   At the other end of  the street, Hywel remarks to Gaynor, “Welcome back, Mrs Llywelyn,” but Gaynor admonishes him, “Stop grovelling!”