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Dai is suspected of sabotaging the bonfire |
Dai arrives at Angela’s and tells Eifion, “Cadno told me that someone set fire to the bonfire at Penrhewl last night.” Eifion replies, “There’s no need to ask who, is there?”
Dai does not like being accused, but Eifion knows that Dai has it in for him, and wants to see him fail as chairman. Dai leaves, saying, “Are you going to organise another one? You’re not fit to be chairman!”
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Eifion retrieves his guy |
When he has gone, Eifion admits that he started the fire, but did bring Guy Fawkes home.
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Sheryl about to get to work on Iolo's luxuriant locks |
Iolo has come to the salon for a haircut, and tells Sheryl that a few months ago, he would not have let anyone touch him. When Gaynor and Hywel come in, announcing that it is Gaynor’s birthday, and they would like to book her a pampering session, Sheryl regrets she is fully booked.
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After Jinx's hard work, Hywel abandons the Hallowe'en programme |
As they leave, Hywel meets Jinx and tells him the CwmFM item on Hallowe’en has been dropped. It is also Arwen’s birthday, and Jinx is going to collect her birthday cake.
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"A box of chocolates will have to do" |
Sheryl comes out and offers Gaynor another date, but Hywel thinks a box of chocolates will have to do.
People are collecting their fireworks from APD, and DJ says that people suspect he started the fire because Eifion did not pay him. Dai has the idea of having a firework night in the yard of APD, with a few roman candles, burgers and sausages.
Jinx is talking to Hywel in the Deri when Dylan comes in, so Jinx leaves hurriedly.
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Hywel and Dylan talk about Arwen |
Dylan learns from Hywel that it is Arwen’s birthday, and that they almost lost her with a liver problem. Dylan tells him that Ffion and Jinx are thinking of adopting. “Any child would get plenty of love in that household,” comments Hywel.
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Something disturbs Arwen's birthday party |
Ffion and Jinx sit down with Arwen, who is surrounded by presents and a cake with two candles. The atmosphere is shattered by the arrival of Dylan, who has brought a present for Arwen.
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"Elliw and I would like you to adopt the baby" |
After initial hesitation, Dylan announces, “Elliw and I would like you to adopt the baby. We would make it official, and go through the appropriate channels.” There is a stunned silence
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DJ imagines a perfect celebration meal . . . |
In the café, DJ sees that Hywel has been shopping, and says he would prepare a birthday meal of dauphinoise potatoes, fillet steak with a cream, mushroom and french mustard sauce.
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. . . Hywel pays him to produce it |
He even offers to cook it for Hywel – for £20, and Hywel hands over the cash, together with his house keys. “It will be all ready when she gets home,” DJ assures him.
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Jinx tries to dissuade Dylan |
Jinx is not in favour of the offer, but Dylan insists, “We can’t think of anyone better; giving the baby to a couple we trust makes sense. If the baby goes away, we’d spend years wondering where he is.” Ffion suggests that Elliw could bring the baby up herself, but Dylan argues that she is too young, and could never cope.
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"You as grandfather would be there to help" |
“But Taid would be there to help – it would make an incredible bond between you,” says Ffion.
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"We're as close as any father and daughter" |
With Arwen on his knee, Jinx adds, “I’m not Arwen’s father; it was a hard decision, but now we’re as close as any father and daughter. You must remember you’re a blood relation of the baby – I’d say the choice is a simple one.”
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"Welcome home, darling!" |
When Gaynor arrives home, she is astonished to find DJ in his apron putting the final touches to their meal. “Welcome home, darling!” he says, and pours her a drink. “It’s like a dream, isn’t it? Hywel has given me the pleasurable task of entertaining you. He asked me to prepare the best meal you’ve ever had.”
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Dai struggles with the extension leads |
Round the back of APD, a pile of wood had been made, with cunningly concealed light bulbs underneath to simulate flames, and Diane has made a guy which is sat upon it. Eifion denounces it as the most pathetic bonfire ever, but Dai replies, “Not as pathetic as the one you failed to organise! You should have ‘Failure’ tattooed on your forehead!”
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Eifion wheels in Dai Ffowcs |
Eifion then wheels in his guy, “Dai Ffowcs” which he says he found in a field, but Dai will not allow it on his bonfire.
Then most of the assembled company go off to the Deri for an emergency rugby club meeting, leaving Anwen in charge of the barbeque.
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They sit down to an idyllic meal |
Hywel arrives home and DJ serves the meal, then leaves them, warning, “Behave yourselves!” Hywel sweet talks Gaynor with such lines as, “Why would I risk all this? Why would I go out for a burger, when I’ve got steak at home?” Gaynor’s response is, “You can be romantic sometimes, can’t you?”
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"I want nothing to do with this childish club," says Eifion |
The club members gather in the Deri, and Dai puts his plan into action; they all agree that Eifion is useless, so he resigns both as chairman and as a player. “I want nothing to do with this childish club,” he tells them.
Dai then seeks a replacement, suggesting Iolo, then Jim, but they both turn down the offer.
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Right in the middle of the meal, Hywel is summoned |
Then Dai nominates Hywel, who is not there, and phones him, in the middle of his romantic dinner, telling him to come to the Deri immediately, as they are about to appoint him chairman.
So all DJ’s work goes to waste, as Hywel and Gaynor hurry to the Deri. He assures the club that he will not be chairman, then Dai tells them he has spoken to Wynford, who is willing to continue his sponsorship if they appoint a new chairman.
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They see the wad of "sponsorship" cash |
He puts a wad of cash on the table, which concentrates their minds. Hywel then proposes Dai for the job, as Dai had planned, and they all agree.
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"How could I think anything was going on between you and Hywel?" |
Meanwhile, Gaynor apologises to Sheryl for thinking anything was going on with Hywel.
As they head back to APD, Dai is about to retrieve the cash, but Jim, as treasurer, grabs it.
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"That was our money, and I haven't spoken to Wynford" |
Then Dai admits to Diane that he has not spoken to Wynford, and it was their own money on the table, “But I’m sure we can persuade him to keep sponsoring the club. You’re a friend of Maureen, his wife, and we all know who wears the trousers in that house!”
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Dai is sure that Diane can persuade Wynford's wife |
Diane replies, “Just like Bryntirion.”
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Arwen's second birthday photograph |
Ffion take a photo of Arwen, with Jinx blowing out her candles, on what appears to be an iPad. “Maybe when your next birthday comes round, you’ll have a little brother or sister,” she tells Arwen.
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"Are you seriously suggesting we should consider Dylan's offer?" |
Jinx asks, “Are you seriously suggesting we should consider Dylan’s offer?”
Ffion replies, “It makes sense – we all get what we want.” Jinx is worried about what would happen if Elliw regrets it five or ten years down the line.
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"You know how painful it is to give a child back" |
When Ffion wonders why he is being so negative, he reminds her, “You know how painful it is to give a child back.”
Ffion is insistent that they must do what is best for Elliw’s baby.
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