Britt is not impressed by this questionnaire |
Siôn has had no time to contact DJ about becoming the Deri’s chef, but has compiled a questionnaire for customers. He asks Britt if she can manage on her own for a while, but she tells him that Catrin wants to go to the cinema. Siôn says Catrin can help in the pub, as they are all in this together.
Hywel suggests Gaynor should apologise to Sheryl |
Gaynor meets Hywel in the street, and suggests lunch, but Hywl is busy; they see Sheryl, and Hywel reminds Gaynor to apologise to her for the insinuation that she was “after” him.
Elliw arrives for a sleepover |
Elliw is to stay overnight with Courtney, and Dylan brings her over; Elliw heads to the loo, and as her father leaves, Jim comes in, angry that all he hears at APD is Dai going on about the golf tournament.
Jim is losing his temper again |
He is convinced that Elliw staying is not a good idea; “She’s expecting a baby! What if something happens?”
"Ever heard of ambulances?" |
Courtney replies, “Ever heard of ambulances?”
"She's ruined her future," rages Jim |
Jim continues ranting, “Girls shouldn’t be having babies, they should be out enjoying themselves. She’s ruined her future, and will be up to here in nappies!”
"Take no notice – he's old and stupid!" |
He does not notice Elliw standing behind him, and Courtney tells her, “Take no notice – he’s old and stupid!” Elliw, however, thinks she had better leave, as she says she is not feeling well. “Nice one, dad!” admonishes Courtney.
DJ, amazed at the pittance Siôn is offering |
DJ is at the farm, having been up since 05:30, when Siôn arrives, offering him the chef’s job; DJ is initially keen until he hears that he would be on minimum wage, so he turns it down. “It takes hard work and skill. You’re not running a charity, this is a pub!” He tells Siôn.
Elliw arrives at Jinx's |
Elliw arrives at Ffion’s, to find she is not there, and Jinx lets her in; he is uneasy as Elliw tells him that everyone is talking about her, particularly on CnocCnoc, and she cannot talk to her father about it. She experiences pains which she describes as indigestion.
Jinx gives her a useful book about babies |
Jinx gives her a book which Ffion found useful when she was pregnant. As he has to go to work, he offers to call her a taxi to take her home.
"I forgot all about my hair appointment!" |
Hywel talks to Britt at the Deri, Gaynor joins him, then Sheryl reminds Britt she is half an hour late for her hair appointment.
Reactions to Siôn's questionnaire |
Siôn distributes his questionnaires among the customers; they do not look eager to complete them.
Dylan arrives with Elliw's pyjamas |
Dylan arrives at Eileen’s door with Elliw’s pyjamas, only to be told that she has left; he goes in search of her.
Siôn suggests a poetry evening, and Hywel is sure the rugby club boys will appreciate that; Sheryl recalls, “I’ve heard a few dodgy limericks in here on a Saturday night!”
Siôn gives a skewed account of mis meeting with DJ |
Siôn tells Britt that DJ had demanded a percentage of the profits; “I told him where to go – people are very selfish these days.” Britt is very concerned, saying that pubs make all their profit on food.
Elinor and Catrin arrive . . . |
Catrin and Elinor arrive, then Jim, who asks for a menu, as he is starving.
. . . and Catrin is given a secret assignation |
Quick a a flash, Britt asks him how cod and chips sounds, then briefs Catrin to go round to the chippy to fetch it. “You can’t do that! You’re deceiving the customers,” Siôn reprimands her.
Looking at the questionnaires, Sheryl remembers fancy dress parties at the Deri, when Derek dressed as a clown, and Jason as a gorilla.
Jim puts his foot in it again |
Dylan comes in and asks Jim if he has seen Elliw; he replies, “She may be with the bloke who got her into trouble!”
"This came from the chippy!" complains Jim |
Britt serves Jim with his meal, but he soon discovers the remains of a greaseproof chip bag on his plate. “These came from the chippy, and they charge £5.00, but here they cost me £6.50!” Despite Britt’s objections, Siôn refunds his money.
Britt, hearing what DJ really said to Siôn |
DJ points out what he really said to Siôn, “I said that only a fool would work for the pittance you offered.”
Dyland sees Jinx give Elliw the taxi fare |
Dylan sees Jinx give Elliw money for the taxi, and joins her to travel home.
Britt makes a surprise announcement |
Siôn and Britt bicker behind the bar, then Britt announces a Hallowe’en Party on Friday night; “Celebrating a pagan festival, Siôn?” asks Hywel, but Britt continues, “Free punch for those in fancy dress.”
DJ seems to be rather sure of himself |
DJ fancies his chances with Sheryl, but she says she will be washing her hair.
Jim is reduced to eating humble pie . . . |
Jim returns to Eileen to hear that Courtney has gone back to Angela’s, and he is sorry for what he said about Elliw earlier.
. . . but he does not look pleased when Eileen sets him a task |
Eileen gives him a penance – to get a job for Sioned at APD, but he is not hopeful that Dai and Diane will be in favour.
Britt proves that the takings are not all they seem |
Siôn comes home with the Deri’s takings – £150 – but Britt points out that £50 is required for the float, an extra shift for Madge at the chippy, Elinor is to be paid for looking after the children, then there are gas, electricity, water – and beer.
Siôn is still confident that he has done the right thing for the community; “But what about the family?” asks Britt. “You lied to me about DJ, spoiled my day and the children’s day.
"I'm having a day off tomorrow," she announces |
I’ve been in business for years, and know what I’m doing. You can do the accounts yourself – I’m having the day off tomorrow.”
Siôn objects that she cannot do that, but she retorts, “Watch me!”
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