Jinx does not relish his past being dragged up |
As Ffion and Jinx are frantically tidying the flat in preparation for the visit of the social worker, Jinx refers to them, “Raking up the past,”
"They have to be cautious," reassures Ffion |
but Ffion says, “They are not trying to catch us out, but have to be cautious.” Jinx complains, “Biological parents don’t have to face the third degree!”
"Sioned will be here, looking for a job" |
At APD, Jim tells Dai that Sioned will be coming, looking for a job, and neither of them want her working there.
When Ed comes in, Dai tells him he will be Eifion’s caddy, much to Eifion’s surprise.
Diane at Gwyneth's |
Diane takes the charity shop keys to Gwyneth, as Megan has gone somewhere, and boasts about going to the golf tournament.
Angela comes to collect her dress |
Then Angela calls to collect the dress which Gwyneth has made her; Angela says she might buy golf club membership for Eifion, but Diane comments, “They’re a bit fussy over who they let join.” Gwyneth thinks that Eifion would not want to join that clique, “They’re all snobs!”
At APD, Dai gleefully tells Jim, “Just wait until Angela sees Eifion make a fool of himself this afternoon!”
Diane reads Sioned's CV |
Then Sioned arrives with her CV; Diane thinks it is impressive, but Dai tells her to go and get ready for the golf,
He does not look as if he will offer her a job . . . |
then informs Sioned that after her performance with the shop and the teacher agency, and as an ex-con, the only thing he can offer her is to clean the public toilets, for which they have the contract.
. . . and the CV goes straight in the bin |
As soon as she leaves, her CV goes in the bin.
Ffion admits to their past misdemeanours |
The social worker arrives, and is told by Ffion about her alcohol problem, but she has learned to cope with it. She also discloses that Jinx had a problem with heroin in the past, “But we’ve overcome these things and are better parents as a result.”
"Arwen is the best proof that we're good parents" |
Jinx interrupts; “Arwen is the best proof that we’re good parents,” he says, and the social worker tells that that it is too early to tell what the verdict will be.
Angela joins Dai and Diane |
Dai and Diane are at the golf club when they are joined by Angela, who has a club application form.
Wynford is welcomed effusively |
Then Wynford, the rugby club sponsor, arrives, and is welcomed sycophantically by Dai.
Jim is afflicted by tight trousers |
Jim, who is to caddy for Dai, comes in, complaining that he is not allowed to wear jeans, and has a pair of trousers that are too tight.
Sioned asks to use Gwyneth's sewing machine |
Sioned has obviously been told about Angela’s dress, as she arrives at Gwyneth’s wanting to repair the hem of her dress on Gwyneth’s sewing machine, so she can sell it online. “Mam taught me how to use the machine,” she says, and Gwyneth lets her use it.
It appears that Eifion is better than he thought |
On the golf course, Eifion is playing too well, and Dai urges him to lose to Wynford, but Eifion insists he is playing to win.
There is nothing more infuriating than tight trousers |
Meanwhile, Jim is still having problems with his tight trousers.
Jinx does not like his past in the public domain |
When their visitor leaves, Ffion admonishes Jinx; “With that negative attitude, we’ll fail!” but he does not want every detail revealed.
Then Elliw arrives, and is told by Ffion that she should not be there; “I nearly lost my job because of you.”
Dylan is throwing accusations around again |
Arwen cries, so Ffion goes to her, then Dylan, who has followed Elliw, comes up and accuses Jinx of being the father of Elliw’s baby. “I have a right to know who the father is! You’re taking advantage of her!” he shouts.
"It's not Jinx!" shrieks Elliw |
Ffion returns in the middle of this argument, as Jinx and Elliw both tell Dylan that he is wrong.
"Don't come here again!" orders Ffion |
When Dylan realises he has the wrong end of the stick again, Ffion tells him, “We’ve just had a meeting with the social worker. If you had turned up then, it would have ruined our chances. Sort out your problems at home, and don’t come here again! Get one thing clear – Jinx is not the baby’s father!” Dylan and Elliw silently leave.
Hello, what has Ed discovered in Eifion's golf bag? |
On the golf course, Ed notices that Eifion has fifteen clubs in his bag, whereas the rules says that fourteen is the maximum. Eifion immediately accuses Dai of planting an extra one, so he would be disqualified; “You sabotaged me!”
Eifion is getting rather angry |
He then accuses Wynford of being useless;
Wynford's reaction to being likened to a donkey |
“That’s what you all say behind his back – that he putts like a donkey!”
Eifion has had about enough of this golf lark |
At the clubhouse, Eifion returns in disgrace, although Ed reckons it is the best game he has watched. They tell Angela what happened, and Eifion immediately takes her home. Dai congratulates Diane, “That was very good, but thank goodness you didn’t use one of my clubs!”
Diane does not know what Dai is talking about |
She looks totally blankly at him.
"Yes, nice neat job!" |
Sioned has made a good job of the seam, and starts on a blouse with the same problem. She suggests that Gwyneth could make the garments, and she could sell them online. Gwyneth replies, “You sacked me a while ago, now you’re asking me for work,” but agrees that Sioned can sell her Christmas stuff.
Eifion is downcast at home; “Sorry for letting you down,” he tells Angela, “I bet it was Dai, or Jim, or Ed.”
Angela admits to smuggling in an extra club |
Angela sadly replies, “It was me. I bought you that club as a gift, and slipped it into your bag. I didn’t know there were rules.”
Eifion warns her not to tell anyone, and says, “There are too many rules in that dump. You should have seen Wynford’s face when I called him a donkey!”
"We must steer well clear of them!" |
Ffion is angry that Dylan could make allegations like that; “You shouldn’t have let her in the other day, and should have told me! We must steer well clear of them, with no contact outside school.”
Despite Jinx’s fears that it will break Elliw’s heart, Ffion is adamant; “Someone else will have to help her – we won’t let anything spoil our chances of adopting!”
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