Dani is very upset when she hears the news |
With all the CnocCnoc problems, Dani is far from happy, but her mood is made worse when Siôn arrives to tell her of Gwyneth’s imminent release and return to the village.
Britt shouts at Siôn while he is at Garry's |
She and Garry are sceptical of Siôn’s claims that Gwyneth has changed; “What she did was unforgivable!” responds Dani.
At the café, Debbie is desperately trying to sell Laver Bread, but Colin says if he wants a mouthful of the seaside, he will go surfing, and orders egg on toast. Mark wants a breakfast, “And no seaweed!”
Mark is not happy to hear what Colin has done |
Colin announces to him that a unique opportunity has come up for their double act – the National Eisteddfod is in two months – but Mark is not interested. Colin says he has already booked them a gig there, but Mark still refuses.
The customers' reaction when they hear Gwyneth is coming back |
Then Siôn comes in and makes his announcement that Gwyneth is coming back — all the customers look aghast. Siôn comtinues that the village has a duty to welcome those who have “been foolish”. Colin speaks up, “Being foolish is tripping over a mop, not setting a place on fire! Britt must be delighted you’re preparing a welcome for her brother’s murderer!”
Cadno insists that she must get out of the house |
Sheryl finds Cadno packing her bags as she has heard the news; she had told Gwyneth she did not want any more to do with her, and here she is, living in Gwyneth’s house.
Garry says they will have to pretend they accept Gwyneth |
Britt has called Garry for an urgent meeting; she says that they must apply for full custody of Gwern, to stop Gwyneth ruining their family any more. When Garry points out that the process could take months, even years, she replies that he had no control over Dani’s abortion, but he can have control over Gwern. “Don’t miss the opportunity! Gwyneth’s poison, and this is the only way to get her out of our lives for ever!”
She insists that they must start to prepare a case, as playing dirty is the only language she understands, but Garry has thought about it and suggests, “Sometimes it’s better to make Gwyneth think you’re on her side. Pretend to forgive her, like Siôn has, as if you fall out with Siôn, Gwyneth has got what she wanted. We must stick together.”
Britt tries to give the impression she has forgiven Gwyneth |
When Britt gets back to Siôn she says she has been thinking and talking to Garry; perhaps it was for the best that Siôn went to see Gwyneth, and she gives the impression that she is willing to forgive.
Cadno begins her plan with the incriminating photos |
Cadno throws down the photos in front of Eifion; “I want you out, or I’ll show them to the police!” Eifion responds calmly, “I’m surprised you want to come back here, now your girlfriend’s being released. A nice set-up — two lesbian mothers! You’ve got a lot in common, she’s a psycho too!”
He says that at least Angela is helping at the farm, while she is out taking ridiculous photos. When Cadno threatens to call the police, he calls her bluff, talking of Bobi asking where his Dadi is, and Arthur forgetting his father. He taunts her, “OK, lock me up, and you’ll have two little boys totally confused — you can’t do it, can you?”
Sheryl finds Dani, in a state, at the salon; “What is she comes between me and Garry?” she wonders. Sheryl reassures her that Garry thinks the world of her, but Dani answers, “It’s not as if we’re married.” Sheryl can think of no better time; “You’d look gorgeous in a white dress!” she says
Later, Cadno asks Sheryl if they can stay with her in the salon flat, but Sheryl needs to be on her own, so Cadno bewails the fact that she is homeless.
Cadno is transfixed with fear when there is a knock at the door |
Soon, still in the house, there is a knock on the door; Cadno is frozen in panic, but then a laflet drops through the letterbox.
Colin tells Mark he has cancelled the gig, a great pity,as it would have been the gateway to stardom for the duo. Mark reveals that he thought that taking part would embarrass Gemma, and Colin says that the chance is gone now, although “They would have loved us!” Eventually Mark relents, and Colin confesses he did not really cancel.
Garry assures Dani that he will keep her safe |
Garry tries to convince Dani that she will be safe from Gwyneth, but Dani is not so sure. “She managed it last time, when she was in prison,” she says. he assures her that she and Gwern are the most important things to him, and he will not let her come to harm
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