Wednesday, 11 June 2014

10 June 2014

"It's just the two of us and Arwen," says Ffion
 Ffion says, “Now it’s just us two and Arwen,” with Jinx adding, “After Taid ran away like Goldilocks.”   Ffion tells Arwen, “Leaving Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear.”   She has had no time to think about Gaynor’s offer, but Jinx says they must discuss it.
Hywel does not know what Ffion is talking about
On her way to school, Ffion meets Hywel and tells him that Gaynor will have an answer by tomorrow morning;  “Answer to what?” asks Hywel, bemused.   Ffion explains and says he should speak to his wife.
Colin obediently picks up the teabag and disposes of it
Colin and Gethin are drinking tea, when Iolo makes Colin pick up the teabag from the table and dispose of it properly.   Gethin tells him that Garry is their landlord, not him.   When Iolo goes to the café, he meets Siôn, who is still going on about Chester’s propensity to speak English;  Iolo reckons he is probably simply “winding up” his father.   
That is the house which Jinx would buy, if he had the money
Outside Tomos ac Ellis, Iolo looks at the houses, and is joined by Jinx, who is dreaming of a large house with a swing in the garden, and a flat for Taid.   “If I had the money, I’d have that,” he says.
Iolo could not bear to live in this house
Soon, Iolo is being shown around a rather run-down house, but when told the previous owner had a dog, tells the estate agent that Toxocara Canis eggs can live for up to six years, and cause blindness.   The next house was owned by someone who had a long illness and died, so that also puts him off.
Gaynor did not want Hywel finding out like this
Hywel tells Gaynor he felt a proper fool when Ffion told him about the job offer;  Gaynor flies off the handle, accusing him of wanting her to work so that he can have the food, wine and holidays to which he has become accustomed.   “There are more things in life,” she says.
Ffion has a problem, but Britt thinks she has the answer
Outside the shop, Britt asks Ffion what is worrying her;  Ffion replies that she has to make a decision and does not know what to do.   Britt produces a coin, and tells her that is what she does – “Heads is yes, tails is no!”   When it comes up tails, “That’s your answer,” says Britt.
Ffion announces she is rejecting the offer — and resigning
Hywel is sulking, and Gaynor is still angry with him when Ffion turns up with her answer to Gaynor’s offer – “I’m going to reject it for personal and family reasons.   No Hywel, I’m not pregnant!   There are more important things in life than being Head Teacher.   And that’s not all – I’m resigning from the end of term!”
Number 7 looks a bit of a mess when they have finished
Gethin and Colin are so fed up with Iolo they decide to give him something to moan about, throwing crisps on the floor and chucking the washing around.   Later, when he has not come home, Colin thinks they may have gone a bit far, so they start clearing up again.
Iolo is in fact at Siôn’s where he says that one house smelled of dog urine, and someone died in the other.   He jumps at the chance of a meal, as he is not keen to go back to number 7;  Britt catches him frantically polishing the cutlery.   Sion is practising for the bilingual service on Thursday, saying (in English), “Eating their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,” much to the amusement of Britt.
Gaynor's demeanour has not improved – she blames Ffion
Gaynor is furious with Ffion, although Hywel insists is not her problem to sort out the school.   “Why couldn’t she stay on until the end of the year as we agreed? she fumes.
Ffion arrives home and tells Jinx what she has done, and of course he thinks she should have talked to him first.   Taid rings from a phone box on his way to have a pint at the pub, then Ffion and Jinx sit down together.   “Why not just carry on?’ he asks, “You’ve — we’ve agreed not to have any more children, and you can cope with Arwen and school.”
"Is this what you want?" — "Maybe, one day."
Ffion sees some house brochures which Jinx picked up;  “If it’s just the three of us, why ‘four bedrooms and big garden, ideal for a family with children?’   Is this what you want?”
Jinx replies, “Maybe . . . one day.”
Ffion admits, “It’s what I want too.   Perhaps that is why I don’t want to be Head Teacher;  but it’s just us and Arwen.”
"But it wouldn't be the same as a houseful of children, would it?"
“Unless a fairy godmother brings us a couple of babies one night,” suggests Jinx.   When Ffion relates a dream she used to have as a girl, where she found a cat in a basket outside the door, Jinx interjects, “Like Paddington Bear - ‘Please look after this bear.’   How about a cat or a dog?   But it wouldn’t be the same as a houseful of children, would it?”
Ffion whispers, “No!”

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