Monday, 30 June 2014

27 June 2014

Garry has planned a surprise for Dani, and tells her it is something to do with the wedding, so she is enthusiastic to go.   When they arrive at a posh hotel, Dani texts Gemma, “Sorry, can’t meet - with Garry on wedding business.”  
Eifion gives Gwyneth a stern warning
Gwyneth visits the farm, but is not welcomed by Eifion, and when she says that she is sorry for everything, he tells her he is in no mood for that nonsense.   “You won’t fool me like you fooled Cadno!   You don’t know the meaning of truth, and if you put the children in any danger, I’ll tell the whole village what you did!”   So she leaves.
Marian does not want to be picked on by Eifion
When Angela arrives at Penrhewl, Eifion complains that she is late, and there is a lot of shearing to be done.   Marian hands him his vacuum flask and says, “I’m going back inside before you start picking on me!”
Gemma is plotting, unaware that she is being watched
Dani’s text does not please Gemma, and while Ows is checking the barrels, she opens the Deri’s laptop;  she is about to type something into CnocCnoc when Gwyneth comes in and disturbs her.   Gemma pretends to sympathise with her, and tells her that people are even pointing the finger at Dani now, after her abortion;  “You did know about that, didn’t you? she says, feigning innocence.   
Gwyneth hears the news that Dani had an abortion
This shocks Gwyneth, and makes her think, as Gemma continues to warn her that Dani is still fragile, and not to hurt her.
Gaynor commandeers the laptop to apply for a job in soft furnishings
Gaynor, who is now considering a career in interior design, wants to apply for a job at a soft furnishings shop, and takes over the laptop which Hywel is working on.   Feeling another twinge, he tells her to take the laptop into the livingroom, while he cooks the meal, but gets out his mobile and phones the hospital about these continual stomach pains.   
Hywel contacts the hospital about his pains
He gives his name as Hywel Maelgwyn Llywelyn, and asks them, if his wife answers when they phone with an appointment, to say it is merely a check-up.
The posh hotel looks strangely familiar to Dani
Although the hotel and its garden are fabulous, Dani insists, “We can’t get married here!   I used to work here.” 
"We can't get married here!"  —  "Why not?"
Garry cannot see that makes any difference, until she tells him, “I was sacked for stealing!”   Then she sees the manager who had “a crush on her” approaching.   “Don’t I know you?” asks the manager, and Garry, quick as a flash, replies, “She doesn’t speak Welsh, she is on holiday from . . . Russia!”
Dani assumes her best Russian look, "Zank you!"
The manager, looking puzzled, says (in English) “Enjoy your time in Wales,” and Dani’s response is, “Zank you!” in as Russian an accent as she can manage.   They beat a hasty retreat, jumping back into the car in the rain and dissolving into peals of laughter.   
They find the whole escapade quite hilarious
Zank you!” repeats Garry.
Angela works hard with the four shearers, packing fleeces into bags;  Eifion comments, “There’s only another fifty to go!”   By mealtime she is exhausted.   
Marian's food goes down a treat with the shearers
All the workers sit round the table, while Marian serves up an enormous pot of stew, and recalls shearing time years ago, and how she used to enjoy dipping the sheep.   When Angela goes home to have a bath, Eifion offers to scrub her back, and although she refuses, he still turns up at her house later with a bottle of bubble bath.   She tells him to make a cup of tea and bring it up to her, although she is not sharing her bath with him.
The chap in the background seems to be drowning his sorrows
When Garry and Dani return to the village, they go into the Deri, and when Gwyneth sees them, she goes to sit outside, where she sees Angela. Angela tells her that if she can be reconciled to Eileen, she is sure that Gwyneth can find a way back to Gwern.   Bearing that in mind, Gwyneth goes home, and returns to the Deri with a bottle as a present for Dani.
Dani tells Gemma that Gwyneth is dangerous and not to be trusted
In the meantime, Gemma has been talking about Gwyneth, and Dani begs her to be careful;  “Remember when Garry was injured!   I was the target, and Gwyneth arranged it!   She’s dangerous – don’t be fooled by her!”
Dani makes it clear that she will not be fooled by Gwyneth's lies
When Gwyneth comes back with the bottle, Dani puts her in her place;  “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but forget it!   You can’t deceive me!”   Gwyneth leaves, looking determined.
Garry wants her whispering in his ear, with her Russian accent
Garry tells Dani he is proud of her, standing up to Gwyneth and proving she is not a “pushover”.   “There is one more thing,” he says seriously, “Tonight, whisper in my ear with that Russian accent!”

Friday, 27 June 2014

26 June 2014

Megan extolling the quality of Eileen's vegetables
Megan is buying vegetables at the shop, as they are better quality than in the supermarket;  Jim tells her he has taken the morning off specially to listen to her, but “Don’t tell Dai – he thinks I’m pricing a job in Cross Hands!”   
As Megan leaves, she meets Gwyneth and says that Siôn has been singing her praises;  she is welcome at Bethania.   The welcome from Eileen and Jim is not so fulsome;  when she wants a loaf, Eileen asks her if she wants another one for chapel communion.   
Gwyneth tries to stand up for her (apparent) beliefs
Gwyneth says she realises that a lot of people are not pleased to see her, but she asks them not to make fun of her trying to make herself a better person.   
Jim does not like these exotic lentils
Then Gethin comes in for some milk, and Jim tells him that next week his recipé will not involve any lentils, only good, simple food.
Megan, showing off about her Lobscouse, and its derivation
Jinx begins the broadcast, with Megan describing how she will make Lobscouse, a stew from North Wales, and when Jinx mentions the “scouse” connection with Liverpool, she corrects him, and explains at length the derivation of the word from the Scandinavian sailors arriving in North Wales ports.   She has been making this dish for more than forty years.
Siôn offers encouragement to Gwyneth
Siôn calls to see Gwyneth, and she explains that Cadno being there helps, but is still missing Gwern, and complains about Garry’s strict condition.   Siôn points out that he is doing what is best for Gwern, and when he sees that Gwyneth is serious about making a new life, they will come to an understanding.   He advises Gwyneth to get out and meet people, perhaps restart her tattooing business, and convince people of her good intentions.
As Megan describes browning the beef, about a kilo of it, and adding onions, carrots, leek and turnips, Jim remarks that he could eat that amount himself, and Eileen calls him, “Greedy!” but she thinks it sounds just like simple stew.   
"What do you want?   A medal?"
Gethin at the garage hears Megan boasting about always making her own stock, and asks, “What do you want?   A medal?”
The result of Iolo's HIV test appears pretty conclusive
Iolo has arrived back in the village in his van, but the piece of paper he looks at does nothing to lighten his mood.   When DJ calls round, Iolo tells him that the test was negative, but he thinks the test may not be accurate, it could be wrong.   DJ describes him as, “Paranoid.”
Megan adds the potatoes half an hour before the meat is cooked, and soon, Jinx wants to taste the dish, but Megan judges that a pinch more salt is needed.   
Whoops!   Megan appears to have made a slight error!
Then, as she shakes it, the lid comes off the container, and the dish is ruined with a heap of salt!   
Jinx, to his credit, pretends that all is well, and pronounces it to be delicious, refusing to actually taste it.   Then he invites the listeners to vote by text;  Eileen casts her vote for Gethin, much to Jim’s disgust, as Megan was not adventurous enough.   
Jim's reaction to all this exotic food:  he's off to the pub
Jim has no time for all this snobbish tagine, tangine or tangerine business, stomping off to the Deri for a good old-fashioned sandwich.
DJ is still trying to persuade Iolo to lighten up;  “You have it there in black and white — you’re clear!   It takes a while to come to terms with good news.”   
DJ appears to have got through to Iolo at last
Iolo begins to perk up, and promises to fix the pipes at the Deri first thing tomorrow.
As Jinx hurries back to the studio, he meets Gwyneth, who says that she is home, “in the bosom of her friends”, and recalls they had some fun, a long time ago.
Jim is not welcoming toward Gwyneth in the Deri
In the Deri, Megan tells Jim that she is glad the cooking is over;  then Gwyneth enters, getting another frosty reception, especially from Jim.   He asks Ows to turn up the radio, where the result is about to be announced – and the winner is – Gethin Thomas!   
Gethin cannot believe he has beaten Megan — and neither can Megan!
When he comes in, he is greeted with applause, and receives grudging congratulations from Megan.   Gethin says he is looking forward to what Jim has to offer next week;  Jim assures him there will be no lentils in it.
Well, one person is not totally averse to Gwyneth
Gwyneth buys Gethin a drink, and he says that although she is not on his Christmas card list, “Welcome back!”

Thursday, 26 June 2014

25 June 2014

Gethin prepares for his live radio cook-in
Gethin tells Iolo he has slept really badly, thinking of the cookery competition, and Iolo wonders how cooking on the radio actually works.   Gethin explains he will cook live on air, then Megan will do so tomorrow, and listeners vote for their favourite.
Gaynor is still trying to work out what she wants to do when this secondment ends, and tells Hywel she regrets putting her name down for the competition;  he thinks she might find inspiration while she is cooking, so she goes shopping for ingredients.
I would volunteer to do the ironing for Ffion!
Jinx is looking for a clean shirt, Ffion gives him the basket of items awaiting ironing and remarks that she is looking forward to the cooking contest next week between Dai and Jim.   
Jinx finds a little garment for a new-born baby
When she has left for school, he finds in the basket a bag containing a tiny babygro.   
Jinx, not paying attention to Hywel
This preys on his mind, and at the studio, when Hywel is telling him exactly what to do, he is preoccupied;  “Have you heard a word I said?” asks Hywel.   Jinx reveals he is worried about Ffion, and mentions the pregnancy scare, to which Hywel responds, “Yes, I knew, Ffion told me that you wanted a brother or sister for Arwen.”   Jinx is urged to keep his mind on the job at Gethin’s.
DJ asks Iolo for a diagnosis of the problem
Iolo is under the sink at the Deri;  “Well, doctor, what’s the diagnosis?” enquires DJ.   
Iolo is frantically worried about something
The nut has been tightened too much, and has cracked the pipe;  as Iolo struggles with it, he cuts his hand, and the way he overreacts betrays to DJ that he is very worried about something.   Iolo admits that it is possible he caught something a while ago, from a guy who sees a different man every week;  he suspects that he may have HIV.   “I just know I’ve got it!   There’s something seriously wrong with me!”
Sheryl and Gaynor find the cookery to be fascinating radio
Gaynor calls at the salon, where Sheryl tells her she is starting an Introduction to Therapy course, then makes a cup of tea, so they can listen to the competition on CwmFM.
The live outside broadcast begins
Jinx introduces the programme;  “Gethin Thomas has turned his back on the garage;  he has swapped his greasy overalls for an apron.”   Gethin explains he is going to prepare Lentil Tagine with Couscous;  as he begins by frying the onion, and later adds garlic and spices, Jinx has a vacant look in his eyes.   By the time the dish is cooked, Jinx is paying more attention and looking forward to sampling the food.
Sheryl and Gaynor listen to Jinx’s comments, “This tastes as good as it looks, spicy and sweet.”   Sheryl turns off the radio, as her stomach is rumbling, and Gaynor thinks the idea came across well.
DJ urges Iolo to go for a test
Iolo is in quite a state and tells DJ he cannot finish the job today;  DJ tells him that he must go for a test, as it is better to be safe than sorry, and he will never be able to stop worrying unless he does.
"Well, you've been talking to Hywel about it, too!"
When Jinx gets home, he confronts Ffion about telling Hywel about the suspected pregnancy, but she points out that he has also been talking to Hywel about it.   When he asks about the tiny baby garment, she admits that when she thought she may have been pregnant, she went shopping for some shoes, and could not resist it.   “I felt silly, and even more so when I found I wasn’t pregnant,” she confesses, “It was not until then that I realised just how much I wanted another child.”
Jinx urges her to remember what the doctor said, and says that he could not go through that again – the thought of losing a child.   Ffion says, “I can’t bear the thought of not being a mother again,” and Jinx adds, “And I want to be a real dad.”   They could consider adoption, but Ffion is not keen on that. 
Iolo tells Gethin he has injured his hand
Iolo arrives home distraught, and admits to Gethin he did not hear all of the programme, as he had an accident.   
Iolo's search on (translation: "Foraging" or "Exploration")
When Gethin goes out to take some of his culinary masterpiece to Sheryl, Iolo gets out the laptop and looks up HIV clinics.
"This is absolutely delicious!"
Sheryl cannot compliment Gethin too highly, tucking into the food with enthusiasm, and assuring Gethin that he is in with a chance of winning.

Iolo is surprised he can have an appointment tomorrow morning
Meanwhile, Iolo is on the phone, and surprised that, due to a cancellation, he can have an appointment at 9:00am tomorrow.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

24 June 2014

This morning, Cadno is feeling more at ease with Gwyneth, and Bobi is playing;  Gwyneth shows Cadno a soft toy dinosaur she made in prison for Gwern.   
Gwyneth seems to be getting on well with Bobi
She is pleased when Cadno asks if she can stay for a while, and she puts on Bobi’s shoes, while Cadno goes to get Arthur out of bed.   
Dani is desperate to make a good impression
Garry is urging Gethin to finish work on a car over the pit when Dani dashes in, wanting Garry to collect Gwern from school, as she has to make sure the flat is tidy for Gwyneth’s visit.
When Sheryl sees Cadno and hears that she is staying at Gwyneth’s, she wonders if that is a good idea.   
"Next time you go to prison, stay there!"
At the salon, Britt is having her hair done, and as she is about to pay, Gwyneth walks in;  Britt snarls, “Next time you get yourself sent to prison, do us all a favour and stay there!”   Gwyneth assures her there will be no “next time”, to which Britt replies, “Yeah?   Right!”
Gwyneth then tells Sheryl she not very fond of herself after what she did, but she has to live with it;  “I’ve learned to see the good side of people, and not to take life too seriously, and with friends like you, I shall succeed.”
Then Sheryl drops the bombshell that she does not want her working in the salon, which Gwyneth laughs off by saying she was not sure whether she wanted to work there anyway.
Eifion bemoans having to do everything himself
Cadno gets to the farm, where Eifion is moaning about having to do everything himself, and it appears that Angela is not really much use.   Cadno says that she will do the paperwork, and tells him that Gwyneth is back.   “You can’t live with her!” Eifion shouts, “You’ll have to find somewhere else!” but Cadno argues that she deserves a second chance.
Gemma putting more ideas into Dani's head
Gemma takes flowers to Dani to cheer her up, and Dani complains that everyone is now talking about Gwyneth instead of about her wedding.   Gemma tries to prompt her to find out if Gwyneth has been sending those messages;  “Don’t let her get away with it!”   
Gwern is back from school
But then Garry gets back with Gwern, so she goes.
Gwyneth is collecting all her things from the salon, and tells Sheryl she is really nervous about seeing her own son, but Sheryl advises her to make the most of it – Wil is no longer there, and is living with Darren in Canada, which was the best arrangement for Wil.   Gwyneth vehemently asserts, “I could never let Gwern go – never!”
Garry uncompromisingly lays down the groundrules
Dani is still tidying when Gwyneth arrives;  before she can see Gwern, Garry lays down the rules she must observe.   “This is how it’s going to work – you can see him once a week, here in the flat, Dani and I will be here the whole time.   He won’t come to you, so you can’t take him anywhere until I’m happy that he’s not ill at ease with you – and more importantly, until I can trust you!”   When she asks what if she disagrees, he simply says, “Tough!   I have every right to ensure my son is safe, and you have to prove you’re fit to be his mother.   Until then, he’s my son!”
Gwern goes to get his dinosaur, but then runs back to Dani
When Gwern comes in with Dani, he looks shy, but when Gwyneth shows him the dinosaur, he goes to get it.   However, he soon runs back to Dani, upsetting his mother.   He does not seem interested in her, so Gwyneth leaves, saying, “Be a good boy for Dad.”   
Britt comes out of the chip shop and taunts Gwyneth
As she passes the Chip shop on the way home, Britt sees her, and shouts after her, “Did he still recognise you?   You don’t fool me – you’re still the same old Gwyneth!”
Eifion reveals that Gwyneth was responsible for the attack
Before Cadno leaves the boys with Eifion, he says there is something she should know;  “That attack on Garry a while back — Dani was the target, and it was organised by Gwyneth!”   Cadno thinks he is lying, but he tells her that Gwyneth told him what she was planning;  “You can’t live with her – she’s totally crazy!”
Sheryl tells Gethin she is starting an online therapy course, but doubts if she is suited to helping others when she cannot deal with her own guilt at rejecting Gwyneth;  Gethin needs some cookery advice for the competition tomorrow.
Dani is convinced that the whole thing is going to blow up in their faces;  “The way she looked at me, I could see she still wants revenge,” she tells Garry.   
Britt is glad to see that things are not going Gwyneth's way
As he tells her that if Gwyneth does anything, he will make sure that she never sees Gwern, and she knows it, Britt arrives with a bottle, wanting to celebrate Gwyneth’s discomfiture.   Dani comments, “There’s no need to gloat about it!” and Garry reminds her that he told her to show some tact.
Gwyneth's Bible
When Cadno gets back to Gwyneth’s, she finds her sitting in the garden, under the washing line, reading her Bible.   “I’ve found hope in unexpected places,” she says, “There is hope, even for someone like me!”
"Did you hire someone to attack Dani?"
Cadno confronts her, “Did you hire someone to attack Dani?”   Gwyneth’s reply is, “I didn’t know what I was doing, and regretted it ever since;  I’m ashamed.   I expect you’ll move out now.”

Cadno says that she will not, and Gwyneth tells her that Gwern would hardly look at her.