Anita gives Sheryl the news that Wil is earlier than expected |
Anita goes to Sheryl’s and tells her that Darren e-mailed that they had caught an earlier flight, so will arrive today. Sheryl is relieved; “I’ve waited so long for a cwtch,” she says.
Another excuse from Gaynor for not joining Hywel |
Hywel, in his cycling gear, tells Gaynor he will treat her to lunch at that pub on the hill, if she can cycle that far, and when she says she has to meet the Director of Education, he is disappointed as she has not been out with him once.
At the business units, Gemma is practising on Mark what she will says to a buyer who is coming to see her jewellery; Anita comes in and asks for the rent, but Gemma puts her off until later. Mark assures her that she will win this contract. She goes to the salon to borrow some nail varnish, and Dani is not sure that Gemma’s attire reflects the “smart but creative” image she wants to project.
Sheryl has something more important than cycling on her mind |
When Hywel and Colin are ready to set off on their ride, Sheryl tells them she cannot come, as Wil is on his way.
A warm welcome for the visitors from Anita and Meic |
Soon a taxi comes round the corner, stopping outside Meic’s, and Darren, Katie, Alys and Wil get out and greet Anita and Meic. Opposite, Sheryl is completely ignored, and when she crosses the road to hug Wil, he objects; “Mam!” he says, awkwardly.
Sheryl feels very marginalised |
Once inside Meic’s house, Anita fusses over the visitors, and Sheryl is again excluded;
Wil thinks his bike is "Amazing" and wants to go out for a ride |
soon she takes Wil across the road for his surprise, and he says, “Amazing!” when he sees the bike. When she tells him she also has a bike, he is less than keen that they go riding together; he asks for a cup of tea, which she finds surprising.
Gemma changes her clothes, then finds that her buyer, Carol, is waiting for her, so dashes out;
Gemma suddenly realises she is wearing odd boots |
after her sales spiel, she is saying goodbye to Carol, when she realises that she is wearing odd boots, and is mortified. Mark and Dani fussing over her does not make her feel less of a fool.
Gaynor is already at the pub, and has a story of how she got there |
Hywel and Colin pedal energetically to the little pub, and are surprised to see Gaynor, in her cycling gear, already there; she spins a tale about taking a short cut, “over the top.” In the pub they debate which way to travel back, but Colin says the road past the coal mine is dangerous.
"Where's my bike? It's been stolen!" |
When Gaynor proposes another route which is much longer, they go outside, and she exclaims, “Where’s my bike? It’s been stolen!”
Immediately, Hywel whips out his phone to contact the police, and he is so insistent that Gaynor has to admit that she cannot ride a bike.
Colin and Hywel greet the news with gales of laughter |
Colin is rather scathing; “Every fool can ride a bike!” but Gaynor corrects him: “This fool can’t!” She points out her bike, hidden round the corner (but does not explain how it got there, if she did not ride it).
“Wait till I tell the girls,” laughs Colin, but Gaynor threatens both of them, “Don’t breathe a word of this, or your lives won’t be worth living!”
Sheryl insists that, after Moc and Kevin, she is now sorted out |
When Darren goes to see Sheryl, she assures him that she has now sorted herself out, and hopes he is not there to persuade her to let Wil return to Canada. Darren says he came to see his dad, as it is not easy to send his son to prison.
Wil wants to see a film, and is not keen on a Chinese meal |
Later, Wil, who has been to show off his bike to Ricky, wants to go and see a film in Carmarthen this evening, but Sheryl is adamant that he should not. This does not please him, and neither does the prospect of Shery cooking him a Chinese meal.
Meanwhile, across the road, Katie tells Darren that he knew it would be hard, bringing Wil back. Darren replies that Wil only wanted to come back because he felt sorry for his mother. “He has to turn his back on the life he really enjoys in Canada to keep her happy. It’s not fair.”
Alys is not able to change Darren's mind |
Katie reminds him, “If you stopped him, he’d worry about her and hate you.” Darren is not convinced; “So I’ve got to sit back and watch her destroy his life!”
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