Cadno reveals Eifion's intention to "get the snip" |
Angela returns to Penrhewl as Cadno and Eifion are talking about silage and ploughing; Cadno says the farm is being well-run for the next generation. “We’re going to make wills, so that the boys will get Penrhewl, and no-one else!” she announces, “I mean it – I’m being sterilised and Eifion is getting the snip!” This is a shock to Angela, but she tries to laugh it off.
Later, Eifion is going with Cadno to look at a house in Llanarthur, and Angela wants to go with them, but Eifion says they will see her later at the Deri.
Gemma is moaning at Mark in the café about Dani, but he dismisses it as as a falling out over a couple of drinks.
Gemma's anger approaches boiling point |
When Garry comes in and refers to them as “Pinky and Perky”, Gemma becomes more angry, and Dani’s comment, “Hope you’re over your strop now, madam,” causes her to leave the café rather precipitately, with Mark in pursuit.
Anita describes her plans for the spare room |
Anita has decided that the spare room should be decorated for Wil, as Sheryl’s flat is not suitable; “Too many bad things have happened there,” she says. Meic simply maintains Wil ought to be with his mother, and Anita must talk to Sheryl about it.
Jim the cook, weighing up the qualities of the fresh vegetables |
Jim has been selecting fresh vegetables at the shop, and later is preparing them for dinner when Angela arrives, complaining about Eifion having a vasectomy;
Jim tells Angela it is none of her business |
Jim comments, “You should keep out of it – you’re the cuckoo in the nest.” Angela laments that they make her feel like a gold-digger; she wants to be with Eifion, but wonders if he really wants to be with her. “I know Cadno wants to push me out – it makes me feel so unimportant,” she wails, and when Eileen advises her to tell Eifion how she feels, she replies, “If I show that I’m worried, Cadno will have won!”
Cadno cannot imagine this place being her home |
When Cadno and Eifion arrive at the house, they are immediately unimpressed; Cadno cannot imagine it being “home”. Eifion rings Dai, and asks him to come and check it over.
Dai reports on the condition of the house |
He reports that the shower needs replacing and the kitchen window is rotten; when Cadno tells the letting agent that the work needs to be done, and he says that the rent will go up, she snaps, “OK, forget it!”
As Gemma is still moaning at home, and saying she is beginning to doubt that Mark is supporting her, he storms off to Dani’s.
Mark is concerned that Gemma will start sleepwalking again |
He says he is afraid that she will start sleepwalking again as she is upset. Dani assures him she will not give Gemma a hard time, and tells him to get her to pop over for a chat, but back at home he gets another earful for talking to Dani behind her back. He tells Gemma she is making a mountain out of a molehill, but she insists, “No-one treats me like that!”
Anita is getting on Meic's nerves with this obsession about Wil |
Anita has picked out what colour paint she wants in the spare room, and wants Meic to go and get it from APD, so he can start tomorrow. He says that she is only doing this because she is lonely, but she again says that Wil needs a man in his life.
Jim in his cooking uniform, as Dai invites himself to dinner tomorrow |
In the shop, Dai sees Jim in his pinny, and gives his unsolicited opinion: “Cooking is for people who couldn’t do woodwork at school!” Then he somehow manages to wheedle an invitation for him and Diane to dinner tomorrow night; “As long as you’re cooking,” says Eileen to Jim.
Cadno tells Angela she is not leaving just yet |
Back from the house, Cadno and Eifion are in the Deri, and Angela asks if she has contacted the housing association. “You can’t wait to get rid of me, and get your feet under the table!” says Cadno; “I’m not leaving until our wills have been signed and Eifion has ‘been under the knife’.”
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