Garry trying some elementary conjuring tricks with Gwern |
Garry is playing with Gwern, and shows his picture of the three of them to Dani, adding, “There’s room for one more.” Dani tells him not to use Gwern to change her mind.
Hywel asks if Rhys has work to do during the holiday, and if so, to do it |
Hywel objects to Rhys spending all his holiday on the CnocCnoc website and watching TV; he threatens to join CnocCnoc, but Rhys says it is for young people, and in any case, Hywel has not got any friends. To get some peace, he says he is going to the library, but in fact goes to Iolo’s, where he is told once more to tell his father the truth; perhaps his father will understand. Rhys says he will tell Hywel when he is ready.
The youthful Hywel Llywelyn wants to be Rhys's "friend" |
Iolo goes off to work on Diane’s en-suite, and after Rhys receives a CnocCnoc “friend request” from Hywel Llywelyn, which he refuses, he goes to join Iolo.
Britt is vacuuming when Chester arrives home and gives her a letter from school, telling her that he has been expelled; of course she immediately leaves, with Chester, to see Ffion.
Gethin is working on a car when Garry arrives at the garage, and points out how stubborn Dani can be.
Leaving the inspection light on, Garry and Gethin hurry to see Dani |
Garry tells him how happy he was when he heard that one baby was all right, but Gethin says that as Dani has not arranged a termination yet, there must be something holding her back – there is still hope. They both go to see Dani.
Chester's artistic additions to Ffion's photo causes Britt some amusement |
Britt arrives at the flat, and Ffion knows exactly why she is there; she produces from her bag a photo of herself with Chester’s additional details; Britt tries to stifle her laughter, and Ffion says, “Very mature, Britt,” and Jinx adds, “Chester obviously takes after his mother.”
It is explained to Britt that Chester has had warnings before, and recently started a riot in class, but the letters that were sent home had not reached her. Britt asks if Ffion has to be so strict, and Ffion replies that Chester’s parents must have a more lax way of dealing with his behaviour.
Ffion, angered by the attitude of Britt - "What a nerve!" |
Closing the door behind them, Ffion fumes, “What a nerve!”
When Garry and Gethin get to the flat, Dani is playing with Gwern, who is in a Batman costume; Garry tells him to go to his room for a few minutes, but he says he has not finished playing yet.
Dani says that the pair of them ganging up on her will not change her mind, and that this is the toughest decision she has had to make. “Getting rid of it is the best decision for me. Men don’t have to go through all the pain! I don’t want this – I’m not ready!”
Gethin says he would help with the baby, but Dani reminds him he walked out on his son, Daniel, and accuses him of wanting the perfect family he never had. She has been through hell these last few years, and now wants to have some fun. “Am I expected to do what you want? Neither of you control my life! If this is how it is going to be, I might as well walk out now!”
Garry says that this baby would be perfect for them, but Dani insists that what they have is enough for her.
Hywel has been snooping into Rhys's CnocCnoc account! |
When Rhys returns home, Hywel expresses surprise at some of the pictures on his CnocCnoc account, with a different girl in each one; Rhys is outraged, but Hywel says he is pretty savvy about computers, and Rhys ought to check his privacy settings.
Britt encourages Chester not to tell Siôn about the expulsion |
Back at home, Britt tells Chester that it would be as well not to let Siôn, who is away and returning tomorrow, know about his indiscretions, so they will keep it secret, and she rewards him for his agreement with a bowl of icecream.
Dani, all prepared to stay at the salon flat, much to Garry's dismay |
Dani has packed a bag, and about to stay at the salon flat; she says her mind is made up – she is having an abortion. She really wants to stay, but cannot carry on like this.
"I can't let you do this on your own; I'm coming with you." |
Garry, with tears in his eyes, tells her, “I can’t let you do this on your own; I’m coming with you. You mean the world to me, and I can’t lose you. We can have a baby another time, then it’s right, when we’re both ready. I’m prepared to wait, there’s no rush.”
"I want to book an appointment with Dr Roberts, as soon as possible." |
Dani picks up her mobile, and rings for an appointment with Dr Roberts; “As soon as possible,” she says.
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