"Go on then, ring the police," Kevin taunts his father |
Meic is in the street when approached by Kevin, who accuses his father of not wanting him when he was a baby, and not wanting him now. Meic points out that it was Nansi who wanted him to be adopted, and he fought to keep his son. Nevertheless, Kevin says he is ashamed to have Meic as a father; “If I go to prison, it will be your fault, and I will never contact you again!” he threatens.
Meic wonders if it is worth going on, after all Nansi's lies |
Meic goes to talk to Sheryl, saying that he wonders whether it is worth carrying on, as Kevin has been fed all kind of lies by his mother. Sheryl says that Nansi and Kevin are trying to make him crack; it will only go on for another couple of weeks, and she says that Meic lost Kevin when he raped her.
Gaynor, glad to see Lois, but not her enormous pile of washing |
Lois arrives home from university, and after dumping her bag of washing with Gaynor, goes to see her dad. Colin tells Lois that he has a cash-flow problem, and lets slip that he sold his mobile and the two bird pictures;
Lois, anguished at the loss of the family heirloom pictures |
Lois is angry, as those pictures are the only thing she remembers of her grandmother’s – they used to be either side of the fireplace.
Mark is ready to start stirring things, again |
In the Deri, Mark is missing Gemma, who is in Amsterdam; (strange, as on 4 April a postcard was received saying she was in Nice, and heading for Milan!) Iolo, who has had a meal there with Rhys, goes to APD to collect some supplies. Mark has seen the photo on the CnocCnoc website, and shows his phone to Rhys, who is not amused.
Rhys is not impressed by the "new boyfriend?" comment under the photo |
When Iolo returns, Mark continues stirring: “Lover boy’s back! What will your father say about this?” he asks Rhys, who jumps up and shouts, “It’s not true, shut up!” storming out of the pub.
Rhys, accusing Iolo of "lusting after" him |
Iolo follows him up the street, as Rhys angrily shouts, “I thought you were giving me a job, but you were lusting after me! You wanted to get close to me – I’m not gay! You were hoping I’d fall for you!” Iolo denies all of this. Later Rhys arrives at Iolo’s door, and all he is interested in is whether Iolo will now tell his father he has left university. Iolo says he was expecting an apology, and adds, “Contrary to what you think, I don’t fancy anything in trousers.”
Cadno, preparing to freeze baby food, is scared of getting involved |
Sheryl goes to see Cadno at the farm, saying that she never thought Kevin was capable of what he did; he has to be punished, and she urges Cadno to tell the police everything. Cadno says she is scared, and there are the children to think about. Sheryl admits she was frightened, that is why she withdrew the accusation, but she pleads for Cadno’s help. “He needs to be locked up, and I know you agree.”
Lois finds the two pictures of Goldfinches, and is very pleased... |
Lois rings a friend to say she cannot go on their planned shopping spree in Bristol, and instead heads for the Avalon Antiques shop, where she sees the two pictures in the window, but the shop has just closed, and the proprietor will not let her in.
...until the proprietor will not let her in to buy them |
Cadno is outside Siop Sioned when she is accosted by Kevin, glad that she told Nansi she would not go to the police, but Meic approaches and he goes.
Gaynor goes to see Colin, suspecting Lois has some problem, and Colin almost admits his money problems, but changes his mind at the last minute.
Sheryl reports to Meic that she has spoken to Cadno, but it does not look hopeful; Meic on the other hand, is adamant that they must keep fighting. “Things will be difficult, but we will get through this and then things will be better. I won’t let you down.”
An unknown male officer prepares to interview Cadno |
At the police station, DS Fielding must be having a day off, as a male officer asks Cadno, in the interview room, “Right, where do you want to begin, Miss Richards?”
“I’ve not been honest about Kevin Powell,” she begins.
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