Thursday, 23 October 2014

22 October 2014

Bacon and eggs are being prepared
Ed cooks bacon and eggs for breakfast to celebrate the fact they can stay in the Deri flat, and, “Won’t have to listen to Jim snoring.”   Sioned is wearing her £15 charity dress, which Ed says looks cute on her, and says she has sold several of her clothes.
The new-look Gemma
Then in walks Gemma – wearing a blonde wig;  Sioned remarks, “It’s different to . . .” and Ed finishes her sentence, “The old Gemma.”   Gemma is confident that she is now ready to face the world.   After she has gone, Sioned comments, “Is she serious?   That is odd!”
Gaynor starts of by being all apologetic . . .
As Ffion is eating her breakfast, Gaynor visits, with flowers to say sorry for being hasty and not getting her facts right.   
. . . but Ffion is determined not to return to the school . . .
“That’s nothing new, is it, Gaynor?” replies Ffion, “Before you ask, no, I won’t come back.   I’m a housewife now, I’m going to bake bread and that sort of thing – and I won’t feel guilty at all!
Gaynor tells her that Elliw is refusing to come back to school, but Ffion seems adamant;  “Appealing to my emotions is immoral.”   
. . . however, Gaynor offers some incentives
Gaynor is determined that they should talk about the matter over a cup of tea, but Ffion wonders what difference it will make, as she is leaving in a few weeks.
“Surely a responsible job would help with the adoption application,” suggests Gaynor, but Ffion replies that it would not help her head.   Gaynor then says she could arrange to reduce her duties;  she could become simply a teacher, but with a deputy’s salary.   
"You're sounding desperate!"
“You’re sounding desperate!” says Ffion, and Gaynor agrees that she is.
Hywel buying bread-making requisites - and chatting up Sheryl
Hywel is in the shop buying baking materials, with Colin unable to find any sesame seeds, when Sheryl comes in, fancying her chance with him.   
Dani complains about her holiday . . .
Dani, just back from her holiday, rushes in for a bottle of milk, and later in the street tells Sheryl how her holiday was spoilt by hearing about Mark’s death and eating some dodgy lamb.   
. . . and is certain that Sheryl is involved with a man
She sees the smile on Sheryl’s face and knows a man is involved.
Megan remembers the incident with the salt in her meal
When Jinx tries to enlist Megan for the harvest loaf competition, she is reluctant, remembering her fiasco last time, cooking on air, and Dani is not interested, only wanting to get her hands on Gemma.
Gemma (or Manon) is trying her hand at bread-making
In the Deri flat, Gemma announces she is going to enter the competition;  Sioned warns Ed that Dani is gunning for her.   
Ed has smartened up for his job interview
He leaves for a job interview;  “Only a cook for a transport café, but it is better than nothing.”
Sesame seeds are the flimsy pretext for this visit
Sheryl calls at Hywel’s with a packet of sesame seeds, and is persuaded to help him with his culinary handiwork, clad in Gaynor’s apron
They wonder what is Gemma's problem
Gemma tells Jinx that she wants to register for the baking contest, and gives her name as, “Manon – I want everyone to call me that from now on.”
Megan recognises that dress . . .
Megan sees Sioned in the former charity shop dress, and learns that she got it from Gwyneth;  it is not long before Megan visits Gwyneth and tells her about seeing the dress which she was told was no good.   
. . . and tackles Gwyneth about it
She says she would like to think that Gwyneth has simply forgotten to hand over the money.  
Gwyneth has no choice but to come clean
Gwyneth admits what she has done, and gives Megan the £15.
Sheryl is in a hurry to leave when Gaynor gets home
As Hywel and Sheryl put the finishing touches to the loaf, Gaynor returns home, and Sheryl beats a hasty retreat.
Dani is looking for Gemma . . .
Ed is back from his appointment, and as Dani tries to find Gemma’s whereabouts, she joins them.   
. . . who appears to be suffering from split personality
“I’m Manon, and I’ve got a message for you from Gemma.   She’s really sorry for what she did to you, but she’s gone now, and she won’t hurt you again.”   Dani and Ed look at each other, puzzled.
"I have a tendency to be stubborn!"

Ffion takes her loaf out of the oven, warning Jinx, “It smells better than it looks!”   Then she asks him, “Are you worried about the money we’ll have coming in?   I have a tendency to be stubborn!”   Jinx agrees with this diagnosis.
Ffion continues, “I was offered a job today and turned it down.   It was an excellent offer – teaching locally, no responsibility, sensible hours, great salary.”   When Jinx enquires why she refused it, she answers, “Because it was Gaynor making the offer.”
"I want our family to be happy"
Jinx assures her, “The only thing I want is for you and our family to be happy, whatever you decide – but you’ll never be a baker!”
Professional job, Hywel!
So it is that as Hywel removes his impressive loaf from the oven, the phone rings, and Gaynor hears from Ffion;  
Good news from Ffion
“That’s excellent news!” she says.
Sioned has sold one of her dresses for £60, but Ed says he had too much experience for the job.   Gemma comes in, jubilant because, “Even Dani likes me!”   
"Why can't Gemma see what everyone else can?"
Ed tells Sioned that Dani was actually sorry for her;  “Why can’t she see what everyone else can see?” he wonders.

Sioned says that she needs professional help, but Ed will not hear of it.   
"That would be letting her down!"
Sioned argues, “What if something happens to Gemma, or worse still, to someone else because you’re too stubborn?   That would be letting her down.   Please consider it!”

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