Tuesday, 21 October 2014

20 October 2014

Elliw on her way to the midwife
As Ffion is about to get into her car to go to school, Elliw passes on her way to see the midwife, 
A letter from the adoption agency
then Jinx dashes out to show Ffion a letter from the adoption agency, saying they want to assess their flat.   “So we have some hope,” he says;  
Elliw is eavesdropping
Elliw, hearing this, hides behind a pillar at the front of Bethania, and hears Ffion say, excitedly, “Fantastic – we’ll be busy tonight, tidying and decluttering!”
Sioned, sorting out surplus clothes
Sioned is sorting some of her clothes which she no longer wears, when Andrew arrives, having been summoned by Ed.   
Andrew is back, at Ed's request
Gemma will not come out of her bedroom, and Ed hopes that Andrew will be able to get through to her.   “I can cope with losing the money and this place, but I don’t want to lose Gemma,” he says.
"Please let me in"
Andrew knocks on the door and announces, “It’s me – dad.   Please let me in, I’ve got all day.”   
Gemma cannot decide what to do
Gemma does get off her bed and walk toward the door, but then hesitates.
Debbie is feeling sorry for herself
Mark finds Debbie in the café flat and sympathises with her;  “It’s not your fault – Meic treated you badly, and you feel like a mug!”   Then he announces that he wants to sell his story, and after the magazine story about her dealings with Kevin, she has the contacts.   He is going to appear on CwmFM later, and offers Debbie a quarter of what he gets for his story.   “Half!” says Debbie, “And I’ll see what my contacts say.”
Elliw talks to Eileen, who understands her situation
Elliw arrives at the shop flat, as Courtney is unwell, but she talks to Eileen, who understands what she is going through.   “I don’t think I want to raise the baby,” says Elliw, “And the midwife says it can come any time after 32 weeks – I’m 34 weeks already!”   
Eileen is not keen for her to give up her baby
Eileen warns her to think very carefully before deciding to give up her baby.
Interview with Cwmderi's celebrity
Jinx interviews Mark live on air, from the bench by the alley, remarking, “Not everyone can say they have been resurrected!”   Mark reveals that he is going to sell his story, and Jinx replies, “What son wouldn’t want to see his dad on a magazine cover?”
Then Mark happens to mention that he went to the school harvest festival, and was impressed by the harvest loaf, in the shape of a sheaf of wheat.   Jinx closes the interview with, “Cwmderi’s Lazarus, thanks for talking to us.”
"You and Jinx could adopt the baby!"
When Ffion meets Elliw in school, she asks if all went well at the midwife’s, and Elliw replies, “I’ve been thinking, you and Jinx could adopt the baby – I heard you talking.   It makes sense, you would be perfect.”
Although Ffion stresses that this could not happen, Elliw continues, “It would solve both problems.   
Ffion has been put in rather a difficult position
You could have a new baby in a few weeks – please think about it.”
Debbie, negotiating hard
In the café, Debbie is on the phone, negotiating;  “Double, or the deal’s off!” she insists.   
Jinx is surprised by Colin's suggestion
Colin comes in and tells Jinx that he has had an idea after listening to the interview;  a CwmFM competition for making a harvest loaf.   Meanwhile, Debbie shouts, “I have other offers, you know!” and slams down the phone.
Sioned is going to sell her unwanted clothes
Sioned visits Eileen and tells her she is going to sell her unwanted clothes online, to raise some money;  Eileen is sceptical whether she will go through with this.   Sioned asks if the offer of accommodation in Eileen’s spare room is still open, and Eileen emphasises she would be delighted to help them, but she adds, “There won’t be any room for Gemma.   
"You're still my little girl"
You’re still my little girl, even if you think you’ve grown up.”
Colin appears to have graphic design skills
Colin has designed a poster for the competition, which obviously impresses Jinx, as he immediately publishes it on the CwmFM website.   Siôn has agreed that they can use the vestry at Bethania, on condition that he can judge the competition.
Mark turns down the chance to make some money
Debbie announces to Mark that she has sold his story for £600, but he tells her, “The deal’s off!   It’s not right for Ricky.   There are more important things in life than money!”   
“I can’t think of many!” protests Debbie.
Mark tells her that one day Mr Right will walk into the café;  Debbie comments, “I hope he has won the lottery!”
Gemma is becoming very wound up
As Gemma paces around inside the bedroom, Andrew talks about a new craft course starting, and how it would be nice to spend time with her.   
"For my sake, go!"
She suddenly opens the door and tells him, “Go!   Now!   You’re the last person I need – when I look at you, it reminds me of what I did, and I’m scared of what I might do!   For my sake, go!”
Elliw lurks round the corner . . .
Elliw waits for Ffion to arrive home, then confronts her;  “I just want what’s best for him;  you and Jinx can offer that.   Can we discuss it?”   
. . . but then Jinx arrives
Just then Jinx approaches, so Elliw leaves, but Ffion follows her and stresses, 
"You have to forget this crazy idea!"
“You have to forget this crazy idea;  we can’t bring up your baby, it would be wrong!   And I’m not the right person for you to talk to;  you must talk to your father first, and then the school counsellor, not me!”   Elliw walks sadly away.
Andrew concludes that he can do nothing for Gemma
Andrew prepares to leave and tells Sioned that Gemma wants nothing to do with him;  Sioned replies that she needs help, and Ed tells her, “She will get that from us.”   Sioned’s good news that she and Ed can stay in Eileen’s spare room has now been rather overshadowed.
"She would give her baby to us"
Ffion is depressed and tells Jinx that Elliw is so young to have to handle this problem;  “She’s impetuous;  if the baby came tomorrow, she’d give it to anyone who asked – or to us!   She heard us talking, I said no, but it hurts, Jinx!”
She seeks reassurance in Jinx's arms
He replies, “That’s why we’re doing this the right way;  Arwen will soon have a little brother or sister!”   He hugs Ffion.

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