Thursday, 4 September 2014

3 September 2014

"No point in working, if I can't concentrate!"
When Gemma comes downstairs, Mark informs her he has taken the rest of the week off work;  “No point in working if I can’t concentrate,” he says.   When she suggests going out somewhere, he is not interested and returns to bed.
Ed is too worried to be taken in by Sioned's "come-hither" eyes
Ed has finished the Deri’s paperwork and apologises for being “grumpy” last night;  “Bed and work is all this place is,” he says, and tells Sioned that they owe £5000 in VAT.
Downstairs he looks at a bank statement, showing £2037.92 overdrawn, and sees no customers at the bar.   He asks Sioned to visit Anti Marian, for “a chat”;  “You mean, see if she will lend us some money,” she replies, “Marian has already given me a fortune, and I wasted every penny!”   
Sioned refuses to go to Eifion for a loan
She draws the line at asking Eifion for a loan, although Ed says, “It’s either asking him, or being on the streets!”
Gaynor is complimentary about the report
Gaynor calls Ffion to her office, and actually praises her for the report she produced – it is very comprehensive, although she says that one or two governors are asking questions about Ffion.   
"Sometimes, I wonder why I bother!"
Ffion replies, as she leaves, “I sometimes wonder why I bother!”
"You're not welcome here!" says Colin
Hywel is in the shop, phoning Gaynor to check on her, Colin commenting that Gaynor never has been able to take a joke;  then Gemma appears, getting a frosty reception from Colin.   She pleads with him to go and see Mark, as he will not come out of his room.
"You made me look like the valley's biggest liar!"
Colin tells her, “Thanks to you, we’re hardly speaking.   You made me look like the valley’s biggest liar, so you could fool around behind his back!”   
"Please – Mark might do something stupid!" Gemma entreats him
When she says, “Mark might do something stupid!” he reluctantly agrees to go and see him, but, “Understand this – I’m not doing this for you!”
Unexpectedly, Ffion is invited to dinner
Gaynor catches up with Ffion again at the end of the day, and surprisingly, invites her to dinner, saying it is an apology for last night;  Ffion is rather taken aback.
Colin arrives at Mark's. to support his friend
Colin arrives at Mark’s, and tells him he needs his friends at a time like this.   Mark grumbles that he is going back to bed;  Colin, not to be put off, says, “I’ll come with you.”   Mark shows a touch of humour:  “You’ve been living too long with Iolo White!” he jokes.
Colin then orders Gemma, “Why don’t you go upstairs, out of the way?”   He tells a reluctant Mark that they will be going to the Deri for a pint, and adds, “Make sure you take a bath before you go!”
"I didn't know Bryn was a thief," she says, lamely
Gemma makes excuses to Sioned;  “I didn’t know Bryn was a thief.”   Sioned reminds her she did not know anything at all about him, “But it didn’t stop you bringing him into my home!”
“We used to have fun together,” recalls Gemma.   “That was before you sent all those messages on CnocCnoc,” retorts Sioned, but Gemma puts the blame on Dani for that episode.
“How much sympathy do you think you’d get if I told everyone what happened the other night?   Don’t you try to come between Ed and me again!” states Sioned, uncompromisingly.
Gaynor, concerned about Ricky, and Gemma hovering in the background
Colin manages to get Mark to the Deri, but Gaynor appears, dismayed by the fact that Ricky is dropping French and doing Spanish instead.   Mark says that was Ffion’s advice;  then Gemma arrives, and wants to join the two men.  
Colin says, "Mark and I are talking – go away!"
“Mark and I are talking – go away!” Colin tells her.   He then goes to the bar and complains that the beer tastes like bathwater.
"You have to tell her what's what!"
He advises Mark that the best thing would be to finish with Gemma, but as he seems to think the world of her, “Tell her what’s what, and if she doesn’t listen, I’ll sort her out!”
"Gaynor's expecting too much from everyone!"
Ffion arrives at Gaynor’s, and Hywel asks her how Gaynor is coping at school;  “As if she never left – expecting too much from everyone!” is the reply.   Over the steak meal, it transpires that Taid is recovering and Jinx is due back at the weekend.   Then Gaynor raises the subject of Ricky Jones and French, maintaining that Ffion “urged” him to drop the subject.   
Gaynor takes Ffion to task again, obsessed with the school's reputation
Ffion argues that her advice was in the pupil’s best interests, but Gaynor asks, “How about the school’s interests?”
"All you've done is pick on me!" says Ffion, as she leaves
Soon, Ffion has had enough and gets up, “Before I’m accused of starting World War Three!   You invited me here to pick on me, all you’ve done at school is pick on me!” and she leaves.   Hywel says that he agrees with what Ffion has said.

What Ed was reading, before he went out
After looking at a newspaper advert, Ed leaves the Deri and visits Gemma.   
Ed stresses he has no other choice, and needs Gemma's help
He asks if she will help with his plan of torching the Deri;  she is initially surprised, but agrees to help, and even thanks him for letting her help him.   

"I'm going to spoil you, like I used to," but what will he use for money?
He goes back to Sioned and reassures her that things will be going back to how they were before, and the pub will no longer be a burden to them.    “I am going to spoil you, like I used to,” he says, and they kiss.

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