Friday, 31 January 2014

30 January 2014

Colin admires his photo in the Western Post, and Debbie says he is spoilt for choice, now he is famous;  then it is revealed that she is Deborah.   
Jinx ends his CwmFM programme by appealing for ideas as to who or what should be featured on the mural – local leaders, sportsmen?   Hywel insists that this should be dealt with by a strong business mind – like his.   Later in the Deri they have had suggestions including Denzil and Reg, but Gemma prefers someone still alive.   Hywel then comes up with the ides of dividing the mural into squares and getting local businesses to bid for one;  he can see a profitable scheme, with The Deri, APD, Garry Monk, the shop and café all sponsoring, but this is not what Jinx originally had in mind.
Siôn, after doing all the cleaning, takes Chester back to the dentist;  Ffion calls to see Britt, and after Britt saying she feels rather useless, they talk about children, Britt saying she does not know what she will tell Aaron about his real father.   Ffion replies that although Jinx is not Arwen’s biological father, she knows he will always take care of her.   
Later Siôn and Chester come back, needing Britt’s signature on the consent form before he can have the filling;  he is not Chester’s father,  and the law says she must sign, so she does so and they go back.
Britt has to sign the consent form
Debbie goes to Colin’s to cook a curry for him and Mark, to make up for the Deborah trick, and gives him hints on attracting women:  be confident, but not cocky, kind, but not a pushover.   Mark leaves after the meal and goes back to Gemma, while Colin tells Debbie that when he finds the right women, the special one, he will look after her.
Hywel continues to extol his money-making plan for the mural, and Jinx see the whole thing getting out of hand;  “Why does everything have to come down to money?” he asks Ffion in the Deri.   She urges him to take a hard line with Hywel, “Don’t let him walk all over you.”
When Hywel and Gaynor return home, she says even if her pay were doubled, the job would still control her life;  she wonders why she is a head teacher, not doing something she enjoys.   Then Jinx bursts in, saying, “This mural business has gone too far!   It’s my idea, and I won’t let you take it over in order to make money!”   
When Hywel suggests giving a percentage to charity, Jinx continues, “The plan was meant to bring the community together, share ideas and create something unique, not about local businesses bidding against each other for a prestigious advert.   I won’t let you exploit my idea – we should be doing it because we want to, not for financial gain!”
Jinx forcefully puts his point of view to Hywel
Gaynor agrees that there is too much emphasis on money everywhere, that is why it is such a burden, and Jinx emphasises, “It is a mural, not a billboard!   That’s the end of it!   If you’re not happy – sack me!”
Hywel looks somewhat astonished.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

29 January 2014

Sioned and Angela are having coffee, with Angela worrying about Eileen;  she says it must have been hard to go back to that place, while Sioned simply dismisses Jim’s “ideas”.   Hywel has his check-up today, and thinks they should arrange to be ill together again;  Ffion texts about the head of music needing a reference, but Gaynor says she can deal with it.
Eileen does not look well, and Angela walks across to see her, then Sioned unreasonably demands that Angela chooses there and then between Eileen and her;  she insists until Angela chooses her , and they walk off together.   

Much to Jim's disgust, Sioned is making ridiculous demands
In Eileen’s flat, she asks Jim why he took the girls there, and accuses him of betraying her, so he could make them feel sorry for her;  she has no doubt now that she has made the right decision.   Jim replies, “When everyone was against you, I was there for you – I couldn’t bear seeing you like this.   Happiness for you and the girls came first.”   Then he storms off.   Later, while Angela is worrying about Eileen and Jim, Sioned is characteristically concerned only for herself.
Jim sees Gaynor having lunch in the Deri, after Hywel’s “all-clear”,  and reveals his split with Eileen;  as he suspects it will have an effect on Courtney, he asks if Gaynor will keep an eye on her at school.   Gaynor rather coldly replies that school is the last thing on her mind at the moment, and that he should speak to Ffion.   Jim is rather put out by this, and comments, “If you’re not fit to discuss school matters, what are you doing here?”   He then asks Angela to tell Courtney about the split.
Britt is developing flu, with a splitting headache, but is adamant they cannot afford to close the chip shop;  Madge has sprained her wrist.  When Garry first suggests to Dani that they could run it in her absence, she strongly objects, but he says it is a way of helping Britt and building bridges, also mentioning the perks:  pie, pasty, mushy peas and gravy.   So it is, when Siôn goes round to clean up, he finds them there.   He is reluctant, but Garry says they have helped out before;  it is an easy job, and they will be fine.
Ffion and Jinx are dismayed that Hywel is hijacking Jinx's idea
Hywel and Gaynor join Ffion and Jinx by the graffiti behind the bus shelter;  Hywel gives CwmFM’s support, and Ffion says the school could get involved, so Gaynor tells her to arrange it.   Later, Ffion visits Gaynor to tell her that the parents are wondering why she is not back at school.   In reply, Gaynor snaps that she will be back on Monday.   Hywel tells her that she cannot justify any more time off.

When Angela goes to Eileen’s, she finds her looking on the laptop at a property in Agios Nikolaos, costing £83,999.   Angela tries to convince Eileen that she can change Sioned’s mind, although it may take a while, so Eileen should not leave just yet.   When she has gone, Eileen makes a phone call, in English:  “I’m ringing about putting in an offer for the apartment in Agios Nikolaos, the one I saw last week.”

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

28 January 2014

Megan is at CwmFM, being interviewed by Jinx about the Eisteddfod at Llanelli in August;  she is appealing for accommodation for the visitors who will be coming, and also for stewards for the event.
Jim comes into the shop and gives miserable Eileen her ring back, saying he bought it for her, so she should have it.   She is sure that the girls will be happier without her, but Jim says he could not imagine life without Courtney.   
Just as Angela is telling Sioned that she will let Jim break the news to Courtney, he arrives, trying to impress upon them the state that Eileen is in.   He said things he should not have, but this has hit him the hardest;  he pleads with them to come with him for a couple of hours, and then he will leave them alone.
Mark has bought Gemma a Dremel tool for use in her business, and she is very grateful;  on his way out he checks with Dani to make sure Garry is treating her well.   Then Megan arrives, looking for stewards, but Dani says she does not fancy walking round a field full of Siôn Whites!   Jinx suggests having a stall of Traditional Welsh crafts, then Megan complains about the state of the streets, particularly the recently arrived graffiti on the bus shelter.   
Jinx waiting to see if he has persuaded Megan
As they look at it, Jinx suggests a village mural, highlighting the best points of the area;  Megan is quite receptive to this, and Gemma looks knowingly at Jinx.
Jim’s car arrives at a derelict house in the country, and announces to Sioned and Angela that this is where Eileen was brought up, before she had the baby.   But Eileen has followed them, and shouts at Jim for telling the sisters;  he says he was not aware it was a secret.   
Jim, Sioned and Angela arrive at Eileen's childhood home
Sioned predictably thinks it is all lies, but Jim tells them what happened:  “Put yourself in your mother’s shoes – she was sixteen, just a girl like Courtney, was taken to London and came back empty-handed after they took her child away.   Eileen’s parents made her feel guilty, and dirty, they were ashamed of her.   Are you surprised she never mentioned this place?   She stayed in London until Angela was born, but was not even allowed to see her, not even told whether it was a boy or a girl.”
At this point, Eileen shouts, “That’s enough, Jim!   Take her home – you’ve done enough damage for one day!”   Sioned is incensed that her mother shared all this with Jim, but not with her.
As Gemma and Jinx adjourn to the Deri, she says that she knew he was responsible for the graffiti, and he admits he has been wanting to do something creative.   Mark, already there, is rather uneasy at Gemma’s apparent friendship with Jinx, and later at home tells her he would understand if she wants someone more her own age, but she insists she would never do that to him, Ffion or Arwen.   Mark is insecure, wondering why she would be with him, when there are others, young and good-looking;  she assures him she is happy with him, and they hug.
The two cars return to the village, Jim shouts, “We have to sort this out, Eileen, please!” but she ignores him and walks away.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

27 January 2014

Sioned watches from the door of the Deri as a taxi arrives;  she goes over and tells her mother it is a shame she did not stay away longer, then stalks off.   Colin welcomes Eileen back, and Jim appears;  Debbie asks, “What sort of bloke lets a women go on her own?”   Upstairs in the flat, Eileen tries to avoid Jim, and in answer to all his hopes for their future simply says, “I can’t marry you, Jim.   It’s not what I want any more;  I’ve made my decision.”   She takes off the ring and returns it to him, adding, “Every time I get close to someone, it all falls apart,” so she is doing this to avoid hurting him.
Gaynor is not keen to return to work, and visits the doctor, who gives her another week and tells her to relax.   As she and Hywel head for the Deri, Colin jokes that she is malingering.   In the Deri, Jinx tries to persuade Iolo to be interviewed in the studio, but he and Kevin refuse, so Jinx talks to Colin live on air about his rescue. 
Colin the superhero rather exaggerating his rescue mission
Colin exaggerates how he overcame tremendous odds and carried Kevin three, four or five miles, and how he would have stayed searching all night.   The radio in the Deri is on, and when Jinx invites callers, Debbie rings, pretending to be Deborah, saying what a hero Colin is, and how she would get lost just to have him rescue her, much to the amusement of the other pub customers.   Colin reveals that he is “middle-aged, free and single!”   When he arrives in the Deri afterwards, as the listeners cheer him, he says one woman was throwing herself at him;  Debbie stifles her laughter.   He also remarks that Gaynor and Hywel look very well, for people who are ill.
Sioned and Angela are getting on well and have watched a film;  Sioned is disappointed that Eileen is back, but Angela is not so hard-hearted towards her.   As Sioned hopes that Angela will not let Eileen spoil things between them, Jim arrives and pleads with them to talk to Eileen, accusing Angela of ruining his life before and trying to do it again.   
He tells Sioned that the way she has treated her mother is a disgrace, but Sioned replies, “She brought it on herself!”   When Jim says that Eileen has dumped him, and is talking nonsense about their being better off without her, Sioned comments, “That doesn’t sound like nonsense to me!   Perhaps she met someone over there.”  
Jim pleads for the sisters to talk to their mother
Jim is desperate and cannot just stand by and let her give up, but Sioned and Angela will do nothing to help him, Sioned describing her as “poison!”   Jim reminds her that she tried to kill her mother, and storms out.
Back at the flat, Eileen tells him she did not meet anyone, but that this is best for everyone;  Jim insists that he loves her, and that is not going to change, but Eileen tells him they both have to forget things.   He relates how Courtney is growing up and does not need him;  he thought Eileen did.   Her response is, “You’d better go,” and as he does, Eileen is in tears.

Monday, 27 January 2014

24 January 2014

Dani flaunting her eternity ring
On his way to painting at the chapel, Siôn meets Dani and Garry who are showing off eternity rings they bought in Swansea;  he advises them to go and see Britt.   Britt says she is glad they have sorted things out, and Dani is determined to have a party.   
At the chapel, Siôn apologises for Britt’s outburst to Gethin, and tells him about the eternity rings;  when they have a tea-break, Gethin says it is better for Dani and Garry to be together, although Garry is not likely to be the easiest brother-in-law.   Then he has a text, but it is not as expected from Dani;  instead it is from Natalie, telling him that they have been on holiday in Tenerife, and are moving to nearby Glynneath.   He feels like he has been given a second chance.   Siôn has the idea of adopting Britt’s children, to take some of the burden from her shoulders, and give some stability.
Garry is helping Britt with the Chip Shop accounts, when Britt asks what they have decided about children;  Garry replies, “Four – two girls and two boys!”   He tells her she may be dubious, but has to trust him;  she then wonders if he is doing the right thing, and brings up their dead brother’s name again.   “What about Brandon?   You’ve forgotten him!”   The argument degenerates into a shouting match, with Garry asserting, “This isn’t about Brandon – it’s about you being an absolute control freak!   This is a new start for Dani and me, and if you cannot accept that, you must think whether you want to be part of our lives!”
When Siôn gets home, he asks Britt what she wants to do for St Dwynwen’s Day, then suggests that perhaps he should adopt the children.   She is very much against this, saying that Teg was the father of Catrin and Chester, and she wants to keep his memory alive.   “Isn’t marriage enough?” she says, “Why? Because you did such a great job with your own children?” so Siôn decides to drop the idea.   After he has gone, Garry calls again, and Britt suspects that Dani wants her out of the way, but Garry confirms that Dani will never take his big sister’s place.   
Dani finds Gethin at the chapel, and jokes about “Rev Geth”;  he tells her about Natalie, and says that now is Dani’s chance to make a go of it, and he assures her he is always there for her.   In the Deri, Garry thanks Sheryl for her advice to Dani, and refers to her as “Sheryl Hughes, Plumber Extraordinaire.”   Gethin rather pessimistically tells Sheryl, “Black clouds spoil every blue sky,” and she thinks him cynical.   Then Siôn comes in and tells Gethin his troubles, to which Gethin replies that these things take time.
At home again, Siôn receives an apology from Britt, but she makes it clear that she is not going to change her mind. 
Meanwhile, As Dani prepares their meal, Garry pins a piece of paper on the noticeboard;  when Dani investigates, she sees a heart, with the names “Dani + Garry” written on it.
Difficult to read:  "Dani + Garry" surrounded by a heart shape

Saturday, 25 January 2014

23 January 2014

Britt is yelling at Catrin and Aaron to get ready for school, but Chester says his visit to the dentist is unnecessary, as the toothache has now gone;  Britt says he has to face his fears, and Siôn bribes him with a visit to Garry’s garage afterwards.   Then Britt has a text to say that Garry and Dani have finished;  Siôn remarks that Garry had been determined to make the relationship work.

Dani goes to the salon and asks Sheryl why she kissed him;  Garry went there, hedged his bets and came away with nothing.   But Dani says Sheryl did her a favour, reminding her what a bitch someone is.   “Only one person counts in your life — Sheryl Anne!” she snarls. 

Garry wakes up on the tatty sofa in the garage, and when Gethin sympathises with him, he admits, “I love your sister, Geth – love!”   Gethin replies that he reckons she is better off without him, but she did love him. 

Later Sheryl goes to see Dani and reminds her she is the one Garry wants, “You’re too stubborn to admit he is willing to change,” she says, “You’ve always been scared of taking risks, letting go, trusting anyone.  It’s convenient for you that he made the mistake of kissing me.   You’re kidding yourself you’re being brave, but you’re taking the easy way out — losing all you love, to stop yourself being hurt.”

At the dentist’s, Chester summons up the courage to go in by himself; afterwards Siôn takes him to the garage, where Gethin agrees to let him help with tidying the office.   When Britt receives a text, saying where Chester is, she marches round there, shouting, and drags Chester off back to school, despite Gethin’s protests.

Dani is searching for Garry and eventually finds him in the cemetery, by Brandon’s grave;  she tells him she is not scared any more, and they must try to get through this.   Garry says he really is happy to stay just the three of them, honestly, and Dani replies, “We really want to be together, dont we?   I have missed you – even today.”   They walk back to the car together.

Britt rebukes Siôn for not consulting her about Chester, and he retorts that he has tried talking to her, but, “I can do nothing right – no-one can!   You can only treat people like dirt for so long!   Everything I have done for you has been thrown back in my face!”

Then Britt shamefacedly admits there is something she should have told him, the reason is the menopause;  he had already surmised that this was the cause.   Britt says she knows she is being unreasonable, but she cannot help it, and feared it might be something more serious.   She even feels jealous of Garry and Dani.   When Siôn jokes, “What are we going to do with you?” she replies, “Drown me – I’m an old witch!”

Garry, on his knees, says, "I love you!"
Garry and Dani are on the sofa, eating cheese on toast, and Garry says that despite not replying earlier when Dani said she loved him, he wants to say it now;  he kneels before her, she looks somewhat worried, and he says “I love you!”

“You’re so dramatic sometimes!” smiles Dani, and they resume eating their cheese on toast.

Friday, 24 January 2014

22 January 2014

Gethin phones the council, but they will not give a forwarding address for Natalie;  then Dani arrives in a state, and says maybe she does not love Garry.   Gethin says it is obvious she does, but she insists that she would punish herself, knowing she had stopped him from having children.      
When Gethin again says she knows she loves him, she replies, “That’s not enough!”   Meanwhile, Garry is talking with Britt, who says there are plenty of girls who would like to be at Garry Monk’s side, but is Dani the one?
Next, Garry goes to the salon for a trim and a chat, asking Sheryl if she is jealous of them.   She says it feels awkward, and he tells her he is not sure things will work out;  when they were together, they had some good times, and he holds her hand. 

Garry "experimentally" kisses Sheryl
  Garry says that he and Sheryl understand each other, and he kisses her;  Sheryl says if he wants to be with Dani, he must learn to compromise.   He reveals that he was scared to tell Dani he loves her, so Sheryl urges him to go and tell her.
Britt goes to visit Dani, ostensibly to take some cake, and says that Garry has talked to her about their problem, and that it is difficult for him as Dani and Brandon did talk about having a family.   
Dani then confides in Gethin that she has decided that she is holding Garry back, and must be brave, as there are hundreds of women that want the same thing as him;  “I have to let him go,” she says.   Gethin warns her that if she does this, there is no turning back.   Dani concludes, “I do love him, and that is why I have to end it.”
Garry goes to see Britt again, but as she is out, he talks to Siôn instead;  he has been struggling with Dani not wanting children, but now he has kissed Sheryl, he realises he wants to be with Dani, even if she has no children — he loves her!    Siôn consoles him that it is never easy changing long-held plans, but love will do that.
After repeatedly asking for help with her sink and receiving none, Sheryl lies on the floor and wrestles with the U-bend;  when it finally comes off, blocked with hair, she gets a faceful of dirty water.   
Sheryl is overjoyed at her plumbing achievement — and slightly wet
“Yes!” she says triumphantly, and laughs.
Garry reaches home and tells Dani he was not sure last night, but he is now, “You and Gwern are my life.”   Dani is sure that their relationship will not work, they cannot avoid it.   Garry assures her that he does not want anyone else;  what he has now is enough for him, and he wants to stay with her, but Dani insists, “We’re not meant to be together — it’s over!”
As he protests, Dani continues, “You should be able to have children and be happy, you shouldn’t give up anything for me.”   Garry goes to fetch a bag (why, as it is his flat?) then admits that he kissed Sheryl, as he wanted to make sure that Dani was the one he wanted.
Dani says, “Go!” and he does.

21 January 2014

Siôn and Britt argue again about the preparations for Chester’s birthday party with its pirate fancy-dress theme, but Chester has toothache, feels ill and misses it.   
Britt calls at the salon, where Sheryl has a blocked sink and is trying to contact Iolo;  Sheryl thinks the party is for Britt’s 50th birthday, but is told that it is her 49th tomorrow, and is nevertheless invited.   
Dani is applying Garry’s makeup for his parrot costume, and Garry wonders if it will be like this when they have children;  this angers Dani, who says that the three of them are enough – does he never listen to her?
Gethin has a Christmas card and gift voucher to his son, Daniel, returned undelivered;  apparently they have moved, and Gethin tries to contact Natalie, without success.   Dani tells him that Garry is talking about having children, and Gethin replies, “He couldn’t even say he loved you yesterday!”   Dani is worried that there is something wrong with her, not wanting children;  she is not keen to go to the party now, although dressed as Captain Hook.

Yes, that is Garry in the parrot costume
When they get to the party, Gethin is given a balloon octopus to wear on his head.   When Siôn takes a photo of Garry, Dani and Gwern, Garry remarks, “There might be another in the frame by the end of the year,” which brings the embarrassing question, “Are you pregnant?”   Dani quickly answers, “No!   Garry is being silly!” but feels very uneasy and leaves as soon as possible.   Gethin remarks to Britt that they are behaving like two lovebirds at the moment.
When Garry gets home, Dani has been crying, and asks him why he said what he did;  she continues, “I don’t think I want children.   If you had been through what I have, you’d understand.”   Garry protests that his brother and sister helped him through his childhood, and adds, “Are you sure it’s children you don’t want – or children with me?”   He says he is getting mixed signals – yesterday she loved him, now he is not good enough to raise her children;  she always knew he wanted children.   
Dani tearfully says only he can decide whether he can accept her the way she is.   Later she says she is sorry, and can understand if Garry does not see a future for them, and though he says he can see a future, he looks very disturbed about it;  he puts his arm around her.
Gethin helps Siôn clear up, and tells how he has lost touch with his son, wondering what kind of father would do that.   Siôn advises that when he does find Natalie, they must sit down and talk.   When Gethin speaks about Garry and Dani, Siôn replies that Garry stays out of trouble when he is settled and it is better for everyone if they are together;  he adds, “Life’s easier when your family’s happy.”
Sion and Britt conclude that the party was a failure, and Britt goes on about Garry and Dani not being suited;  Siôn tells her she is behaving like a miserable brat.
Garry looks sorrowfully at an old photo of himself with Brandon and Britt.
Brandon, Britt and Garry in their younger days

20 January 2014

Dani is secretly arranging a surprise for Garry;  on the way to get some milk, Garry calls at Britt’s, where she is frantically cooking for the party tomorrow.   She complains that Siôn does not have another woman, he has a chapel, and is renovating the vestry.   Meanwhile Dani tells Gethin, who is working in the pit under a car, they are going to Swansea, and she wants him to drive.   She then tells Britt she has a surprise for Garry, but Britt is unimpressed, and Garry says he must obey “the boss”.
They arrive at the waterside in Swansea, and go to the restaurant on the 28th floor of the Meridian Tower, where Gwern says, “Wow!” at the view of the city and coastline.

Impressive view from the Meridian Tower, Swansea
Garry says Dani is crazy, doing this, and then remarks to Gethin that you could do some damage to someone, if you threw them off here.   Garry also thinks he has vertigo, but Gethin corrects him;  fear of heights is Acrophobia.   After watching them kissing, Gethin says he will have the duck, “Posh restaurants always have duck.”   Garry cannot believe that Dani organised all this, as no-one has ever done anything like this for him before.   Dani says, “I love you, Garry Monk!” but he in his turn remains silent.
As a parcel is delivered to Britt, she receives a text from Garry, telling her where he is, but again she is not happy about it.   Dani tells Gethin she is worried about telling Garry she loves him;  he says she should think before speaking, but, “If you love him, go for it!”   
When they get home, Gethin says he is surprised, as he thought they just had a convenient arrangement:  she was looking for some comfort, and Garry was looking for a mother for Gwern, and he muses that, “Love is a complicated little word.”   After Dani assures him that Brandon was her boyfriend, not a “father figure”, Gethin maintains you never know where you are with Garry;  he has treated her well, but remembers how he was with Sheryl.
Garry is telling Britt about the outing, and that he feels he is not good enough for her;  he is not sure he can treat her the way she deserves.      Britt reminds him he is not the easiest person, but only he can decide whether he is ready for that kind of commitment;  he looks in a dictionary.   Outside, he sees Gethin, who says there is nothing worse that a woman discussing her emotions;  he now knows about their romantic moments, and tells Garry she does not expect a ring — yet.   Garry shows no signs of his erstwhile anger, but simply says, “Acrophobia — you were right!” and walks off.   When he reaches the flat, he says it means the world to him, her organising today’s surprise.    Dani asks him if he is worried about what she said to him;  he answers, “No.”
She repeats, “I mean it – I love you!” and they hug, but Dani still looks nervous, and Garry remains silent.

17 January 2014

Eileen tells Jim she has booked a last-minute holiday, just for her, and is leaving tonight;  she did not tell him before, as she know he would try to stop her, but she had told Colin, who will be looking after the shop.   Jim is very disappointed that she seems to be escaping from him, but she says she has no energy to try any more.   
Despite Jim’s protests, she will not change her mind, and Jim says Sioned was right when she said her mother was selfish;  “It’s all me, me, me!   Go on holiday, and I hope it pours with rain!” he says as he storms out, shouting at Colin in the shop on his way.
Downstairs, Kevin hobbles in and tells Colin he has not broken any bones, then announces to Jinx that Colin saved his life, so Jinx wants to feature the “Superhero” on CwmFM.   Later, when Iolo comes into the Deri, he is hailed as “Cwmderi Mountain Rescue” but he shuns any publicity;  Mark at the other end of the bar, moans that he was not found for days in that field at Penrhewl.   
Sioned asks Eifion how the children are, and he says he never imagined he would have both of them;  Sioned wonders how any mother could abandon her children.   Then Jim comes in, orders a whisky, and tells Sioned that her mother is off on holiday alone;  “She says she’s had enough, and she’s not the only one!”
Today both Gaynor and Hywel have been making bread, and Gaynor has a visit from Ffion, to tell her the result of the inspection;  the school was “exceptional” in certain aspects, and the staff are celebrating with a buffet in the Deri tonight, but Gaynor does not want to join them.   When they ask her to judge the best bread, she informs Hywel that his loaf is chewy;  “Someone has a soggy bottom,” she tells him.   When Ffion leaves, Gaynor says she had thought the school would collapse without her.
The teachers all pile into the Deri, and Ffion praises them for the good results.   Eifion tries to commiserate with Jim, advising him not to give in, but to fight to keep Eileen, as he should have done with Cadno.   
Kevin calls on Iolo at home, and thanks him for what he did, but asks if Colin had not been there, would he have left Kevin in the wood?   Iolo replies that he could not live with himself if he had;  he made a mistake once, and turned back when he should have helped.   Kevin says they all have to live with their conscience.   
Eifion tells Sioned that her mother is leaving, so she hurries out.   Someone hands Ffion a drink, which she takes to the bar and is sorely tempted, and about to drink it, but suddenly stops herself.
As Eileen is putting on her scarf, Jim insists that he will come with her, on another flight, perhaps tomorrow, but she is adamant she needs time alone to clear her head.   He remembers when he said that he loved her the other night, she did not say it back to him, and suspects she wants to finish with him.   
The taxi is waiting outside, and as Eileen gets in, Sioned arrives.   “I heard you were leaving,” she says, What a good idea!   Were you hoping I’d stop you?   Looking for sympathy, were you?   Don’t rush back – stay as long as you like!”
Eileen is stunned;  “How can you be so hard-hearted?” she asks.
“I was raised that way – I inherited it,” replies Sioned;  the taxi leaves, Sioned stomps back to the Deri, and Jim is left at the end of his tether, standing in the middle of the road.
Jim does not know what else he can do

16 January 2014

Kevin wonders what Colin has in his rucksack, as they are only going out for one day;  Colin says it is a pity there is only three of them, then dashes to the shop for Kendal Mint Cake.
Kevin says he has been feeling like an outsider lately, and that “Lady Muck” was not keen on giving him a day off.   “Sioned, you mean!” retorts Iolo, and Kevin asks what he has done to upset him;  Iolo does not like his attitude, especially to women.   Kevin points out that Sioned was responsible for his stroke, so he does not have much respect for her.   “Did you have any respect for Sheryl?” demands Iolo, and recalls that Macs was never the same after what Scott did to him.
At the shop, Dai asks Colin whether he is climbing a mountain or having a picnic, then he receives a tweet from Diane.   He tells Eileen that only fuddy-duddies do not keep up with technology, but she tells him to shut up as he sounds like a broken record.   Jim advises her to mind what she says;  Dai gets on his nerves every day at APD.   He knows she is going through a hard time, but should not let it affect the business;  she does not want to know.
Out in the woods, Colin checks the map, and Kevin asks if Iolo is going to sulk all day.   Colin asks what is going on between them, and Iolo says he did not want Kevin there in the first place;  Kevin walks off on his own, and soon feels dizzy and disorientated.   
Colin is worried that Kevin has no map or compass, but Iolo tells him he is not comfortable in the company of a rapist;  he did not deny it when Iolo raised the subject this morning.   However Colin asks Iolo, “Haven’t you ever done anything wrong?   We can’t leave him here alone – it will soon be dark.”
At APD, Dai has a “follower” on twitter – Hywel, and Jim apologises for what Eileen said to him, then begs Diane to have a word with Eileen, as he can’t say anything right to her.

Colin and Iolo take a break from searching for Kevin
By now, Colin is lost, and he and Iolo sit down;  Iolo still thinks Kevin is guilty, and it makes him sick.   Nevertheless, he agrees that they must find him;  he could not live with himself if something happened, and he did not try to help.   So they start seaching again.
Diane visits Eileen, who tells her that she is no good as a mother, and Sioned does not want to know her.   Despite Diane’s reassurances, Eileen says she should pack her bags and let them get on with it.   Meanwhile, Jim is talking to Dai, who advises giving Eileen some space, but letting her know that he is there for her.   When Jim gets back to Eileen’s, she tells him to go to the Bull, as it is darts night;  she is looking at Greek holidays on her laptop.
Eventually the orienteers find Kevin who felt dizzy and passed out, spraining his ankle;  he doubts that it is another stroke.   They manage to support him and attempt to find their way out of the woods.

15 January 2014

Ffion is on the phone, and Jinx remarks, “Not another teacher off sick?”   She says that makes four, and Sioned is not answering her phone;  “Why this week?” she asks.   
Then she calls at Gaynor’s on the way to school, where Hywel is making bread;  while Ffion assures Gaynor that the first day of the inspection went well, and she is coping, despite being four teachers short, having a leaking pipe and a funny smell in the gym.   She has managed to contact some supply teachers, and the caretaker has stopped the leak, but Gaynor seems rather disinterested in all this.   
Then Hywel is rather distressed to discover his bread is seriously overdone (and rather flat).   He says that Ffion should not have brought the school’s troubles to Gaynor;  she, on the other hand appreciates that Ffion was worried sick.   Gaynor is surprised that she does not really care about what is going on at the school, after all the years of school being a very important part of her life.
Debbie is showing the picture of “Meicky Mouse” to customers in the café;  she cannot afford to buy any jewellery from Gemma as she is “skint”, but Mark offers to try and sell some for Gemma.   When he takes the post to Jinx, he manages to sell two items, and plays with Arwen.   Meanwhile, Debbie visits Gemma’s workshop, asking, “What’s your game?” and accuses her of taking advantage of Mark, which Gemma denies.   Debbie then asks if she pays rent at Maes y Deri.   She warns that if Mark was to lose his job for selling jewellery on the side, Ricky would suffer.   However, she haggles and buys a bracelet for £7.   
Back at the café, she is angry when Jinx tells her he bought two items for £10.   She tells him that the teachers are stressing Ricky out, so Jinx replies, “You should try living with one!”
Mark then delivers to Gaynor, and tells Hywel about his personal shopping service, but Hywel threatens to report him to his boss.   When Mark gets home, and tells her what he has sold, Gemma says that she does not want him to sell any more.   She also insists on paying some rent, although he says that her company is payment enough.   She stresses that she does not want people to say she is taking advantage of him.
Ffion is absolutely exhausted when she arrives home, telling Jinx that she almost set fire to Llwyncelyn, but it all got sorted out in the end.   Jinx talks to her, but receives no reply – she has fallen asleep on the sofa.   
Hywel produces a more successful, and better-shaped, loaf;  Gaynor thanks him for looking after her, and says she felt as if the rug was being pulled out from under her.   Before Christmas, she was obsessed with the inspection, but now, after her illness and almost losing Hywel, it all feels so trivial.   As they eat freshly-baked bread and butter, she says, “Listen — Silence!   No pupils — paradise,” but Hywel looks somewhat uneasy.

14 January 2014

Colin is wearing his rucksack in the shop, and Dai asks if he is ready for Kilimanjairo;  Jim is looking for Eileen, and tells Colin he is supposed to wear it outside.   Meic receives a parcel from Wil in Canada;  he tells Anita that Debbie is throwing her weight about in the café, and he needs the patience of a saint.   Anita is proud that she downloaded a 200-page novel on her tablet, and has been looking at photos of Wil and Alys Eira.
Eileen looks morose, and tells Jim she is doing paperwork, then Colin asks her if he can have Thursday off for the orienteering trip;  he leaves, wearing his head-mounted torch.   Back upstairs, Eileen does not want any dinner, and accuses Jim of fussing;  he is at a loss to know what to do, but Eileen says, “This mess is all my fault – no-one else’s.   It’s not surprising they have turned their backs on me – I’m not fit to be their mother!”

Second meeting of the internet class, amused at Dai's expense

At the internet class, Marian has joined them this time, and says she will “Tweet” Sioned to come and collect her;  she is already a dab hand with texting.   Later, while Sioned is serving Debbie in the Deri, she gets a tweet from Marian, “Any gossip in the Deri?” and Debbie says to tell her she has kicked Meic out of the flat.   Sioned reminds her that it is his flat.
Meic runs a bath, and tells his yellow plastic duck that it is safer there than in the flat;  Debbie is on his back all day, but he will get rid of her –“She won’t get the better of Meic Pierce!” he opines.
At the internet class, Megan googles herself, “Megan Harries OBE,” and Dai tries to do the same, but finds a David Ashurst who is a 30-year-old Australian entrepreneur;  Diane says she married the wrong one.   Having deliberately disconnected her router before she left home, she asks Dylan to come and have a look at her internet, as it is not working.
Eileen concludes that giving away her baby was the start of all her troubles;  she says she has not loved anyone since then, simply convincing herself it was love.   “What kind of mother refuses to have anything to do with her daughter?   I have ruined every relationship I’ve had, not only Sioned, but Denzil, John, Angela.   Inside, I’m as hard as stone.   I’ve lived a lie.”   Jim, who is making soup for her, asks if their relationship is a lie, then Courtney rings, wanting help with homework.   Eileen urges him to go to her, and from the doorway, he sees her pour the soup down the sink.
Anita brings Dylan home and he soon discovers the insecure plug;  as she offers him a glass of wine, Debbie arrives, with Meic’s dirty washing, and takes it upstairs to him.   He has by now emerged from his bath, and is wearing the “onesie” from Wil;  when Debbie sees this, she shouts with delight, “Meicky Mouse!” and takes a photo with her phone, as Meic hollers at her to get out.   Anita remarks, “It’s a nice fit.”

13 January 2014

Iolo unzips the tent out in the garden in the morning, but Colin is not there;  when he comes downstairs he says he was frozen out there, but their trip is not cancelled.   Later he is fighting with the sleeping bag, trying to get it packed away, when Kevin asks if he needs a hand.
Ffion calls on Gaynor for some advice about the forthcoming inspection;  she appears to be in control, saying that she does not want to let the school down, and Gaynor is relieved.   Ffion calls in at home to see Arwen, who is improving quickly, and Jinx says that she is becoming Gaynor;  then she has a phone call and has to dash back to school, waving goodbye to Arwen, who shouts, “Dadi, dadi!”
After Sioned ignoring her outside the shop, Eileen serves Jinx, who says Arwen wakes up in middle of the night, chatting rubbish;  Jim comments, “Sounds like Dai!”   Jinx says Arwen’s first word will probably be, “Inspection.”   Jim urges Eileen to go and talk to Sioned, which she eventually does, but Sioned says she has had twenty years to talk to her.    Eileen does not want to get back to the situation when they did not talk to each other, but Sioned demands, “When did you share the secret with Jim?   You let Dad go to his grave without knowing you had another child?”   Eileen replies that she thought it would come between her and Denzil, “Just like it has come between us.”
Sioned tells her mother, “You took me to Aber, away from my Dad!   How could you be so cruel?”   When Eileen replies that she did not want to lose Sioned, she declares, “You’ve lost me now!   Do you know when I was happiest?   When we weren’t talking – I didn’t have to put up with your lies!”   
When they come downstairs, Angela watches Sioned tell her mother that she knows where the door is, “So leave, and don’t ever come back!”   Sioned tells Angela it is all an act to save her own skin, and she deserves no sympathy.
Kevin is advising Colin about his orienteering trip, which is to be to the Brecon Beacons on Thursday, so Colin invites him to accompany them, much to Iolo’s displeasure.   When Kevin has gone, Iolo reveals he does not like his attitude, to women, for a start, as he earlier referred to Sioned as a “handy piece of skirt”.   Colin recalls that Kevin was put into hospital by Sioned, drink-driving without a licence.   Iolo wonders if Kevin also thought of Sheryl as “a handy piece of skirt, too,” and says that Debbie has left him as well.
Angela goes to have a word with Eileen, and gives her flowers, but Eileen behaves very coldly towards her.   “Why come back into my life and ruin everything?” she says.   Angela says she will not take the blame for Eileen refusing to say anything, but warns her, “You’re turning everyone against you . . . but if that’s what you want . . .”   Angela turns and leaves.

10 January 2014

Kevin jokes that Meic has not got rid of Debbie yet;  Anita tells the pair of them to get a hobby, but when Meic suggests bowls, Kevin is not keen.   Meic goes out to find Mark, who is delivering several parcels to Colin and Iolo, their orienteering equipment;  Mark is not interested in that pursuit, and says the last time he was in a field, he fell down a hole.   
Ed urges Sioned to go and sort things out with Angela, but she says it is awkward, and she suspects Angela still has feelings for him;  he is insistent that she should talk to her sister.   When she goes to Angela’s, Sioned asks, “Are you my sister, or Ed’s ex?”   She says she knows what it is like to love someone she cannot have.   Angela admits that she had thought there might be a chance for her, but now there is not, and she wants to be Sioned’s sister.   They agree that all three will meet for coffee in the Deri later.
Meic next comes across Anita in the café, as she is looking on a laptop at pictures of Wil;  he apologises for encouraging Darren to take Wil away to Canada.   He tells Anita that he must find Mark, or the story of his non-existent “relationship” with Debbie will be all over the village.   While Debbie is not around, he retrieves his belongings from the flat, then goes searching for Mark;  Colin meets him, talking about the orienteering club, but Meic’s response is to wish he would just get lost.
Sioned, Angela and Ed meet at the Deri, and Sioned says that they all have to be honest, with no secrets;  Angela is adamant she does not want to spoil her sister’s happiness.   Sioned gets the confirmation she wanted that they are not interested in each other.   Afterwards, over drinks, Angela asks that Sioned should seek reconciliation with Eileen, so that Angela has a chance of making peace with her;  she says that Eileen must really miss her, only having Jim to confide in.   Sioned is incredulous:  “Jim knows?   Why did she tell him and not me?   Just when I think that things are OK, then I’m let down again!   I’m not going to see her!”
After Mark delivers a large parcel, the tent, to Iolo, they go to the business units to erect it, with Colin getting tangled up with it;  when Mark leaves, he tells Kevin that it is like Laurel and Hardy, so Kevin goes in to watch, and says he has put up a few tents in his time.   He also suspects that the second-hand tent is not waterproof.   
Eventually Meic tracks down Mark, and tries to explain that what he saw last night was not how it seemed.   “She threw herself at me!   I don’t want to be with her:  I hate her!   She has no principles, she’s greedy, and ruined Kevin’s life!”   Mark points out that Kevin ruined his own life, but says that Meic’s secret is safe with him.

9 January 2014

Ricky finds that in the café flat, Meic has placed yellow tape, dividing up his side of the flat from Debbie’s;  she concludes there is something wrong with Meic.
Gaynor flies into a temper when she burns the toast, and later Hywel explains to Rhys that she is under a lot of stress;  they have never seen her like this before, and Rhys even suspected that Hywel had been having another affair.   When Hywel takes her a cup of tea, she is sorting out her wardrobe, saying that it will not do itself.   Later the two of them sit on the sofa, relaxing, and Gaynor says she cannot remember the last time she “did nothing.”
In the café, the internet lesson pupils are eagerly looking forward to the session, all except Dai.   Debbie tells Mark and Angela that she is putting into operation phase two of “Operation Get Rid of Meic.”
Sioned tells Ed that she is making a point of not wearing too much makeup, so she does not look too much like Angela;  when Ed asks her to be sensible, she suggests, “Why not discuss it with Angela?” and he walks out.   Later Angela comes to see him and he blames her for telling Sioned, then wonders why they keep ending up together, and Angela thinks they may have a future, but he plainly tells her she is only “my girlfriend’s sister”.   
As they hug, Sioned reappears, and after Angela leaves he tells Sioned that he never loved Angela the way her loves her now.   “I don’t want us to end up like me and her.”   Sioned says she did not doubt him until he lied about seeing Angela;  she does not care who he talks to, as long as he is totally honest with her and always comes back to her.   After they have kissed, Ed tells her, “Angela would never have understood me like you have.”
The tutor arrives at the business units, Dylan Hopkins by name, and Anita, Diane and Megan are very interested in the lesson, and him, but Dai prefers doing a crossword;  Dylan explains the rules of Twitter to them.   After the lesson, they say how good a tutor he is, but Dai bluntly tells him, “My wife fancies you!”
Debbie puts her plan into action:  she sits on the sofa with Meic, puts an arm around him and tells him she knows how he feels – he fancies her, that is why he moved in.  
Debbie adopts "Operation Get Rid of Meic"
“Don’t be shy, Meic!” she says and tries to kiss him, and Mark walks in, pretending to be offended, just as she had arranged, then hurriedly leaves again.   As Debbie goes on about their being in love, and begs him to stay with her, Meic flees from the flat.   
When he arrives home and tells Anita that he has escaped from “the jaws of hell” and that Debbie says she is in love with him, Anita dissolves into peals of laughter, saying, “Don’t be ridiculous!”

8 January 2014

While Jim and Courtney are waiting for Angela, Jim has a phone call from Auntie Dorothy to see if Courtney received her cheque;  Courtney says there was no cheque, and Jim jumps to the conclusion that it was stolen by Mark.   
When Angela gets back she tells him she will check on the facts, but he goes out to confront Mark in the street, outside the Deri, asking him how much he has stolen from Christmas cards, and threatening to contact his boss.   Mark mentions slander, and then Jim refers to Gemma living with a thief, who is twice her age, and calls him “a pig!”   Jim almost thumps him, but is stopped by Ed.
Upstairs in the Deri, Sioned says it is as if Ed does not want to be close to her;  his excuse is that he cannot handle her being Angela’s sister.   Sioned wonders if he still has feelings for Angela, but he walks out, heading for Angela’s, where she has just found the cheque in question in Courtney’s bag;  she rings Courtney to tell her to come home from School.   Ed tells Angela he has no idea how to handle the situation, and needs help;  their history together makes it all feel wrong.   Angela replies, “Ed, you’re over-reacting.   Go and talk to Sioned;  she’ll appreciate you being honest with her.”
When Courtney gets home, she reluctantly admits that she did receive the cheque, but Angela says it could have cost Mark his job, and drags her and Jim off to see Mark.   At Maes y Deri, Angela shoulders the blame for the misunderstanding, saying she mislaid the cheque, but Courtney has to admit that it was her way of punishing Mark for taking Gemma, her friend, away from the village;  she thought that if Mark lost his job, she would come back.
Gemma says that she and Courtney need a talk, and Jim gives a grudging apology to Mark, who warns him not to do it again.   Gemma apologises to Courtney for escaping from the village, and says that she gets on well with Mark, though marriage is not likely.
Angela and Jim leave, and when they get back to the village, Angela says she did not realise how close Gemma and Courtney were.   She also points out that she and Sioned have the right to get to know each other.   Jim regrets that Eileen is heartbroken, but all he does is makes things worse.   As Angela says that Sioned is the most innocent one in all this, they see her sitting on the windowsill of Angela’s house, waiting.
Sioned tells her that Ed will not talk to her, and she is worried that he does not want her, as he acts as though he does not give a damn.   When Angela reveals that he has been to talk to her, Sioned is convinced they have a problem, and goes back to the Deri.   
She gives Ed an opportunity to say he has been to Angela’s, but despite his promise to be completely honest, he does not mention it.   Sioned says he should have talked to her, not Angela, and he protests that he was trying not to upset her.   “Don’t turn into Angela,” he pleads, “I’m trying to differentiate between you, and you’re making it difficult for me!”

7 January 2014

Lois is due to return to college, but is worried about her mother, but Hywel tells her that Gaynor would worry more if she did not go back;  he will make sure she does not go to school until she is ready.   However, when Gaynor insists she must go there, Lois asks for a lift to Swansea, so Gaynor phones Ffion, who says they were not expecting her.
Sioned sits in bed, and at first will not tell Ed what is the problem;  when she finally reveals to him that Angela is her sister, and how Eileen had been keeping it from her.   In a way she is glad, as she likes Angela, but cannot forgive her mother for keeping that secret from her;  it might have helped in her childhood, knowing she had a sister.   Ed cannot cope with this, “My ex-girlfriend is your sister?” he says, incredulously, “Perhaps this says something about me.”   Sioned is amazed that he is worrying about himself.   When Jim goes to the Deri to price new equipment for the toilets, Ed seems preoccupied, so Jim realises;  “You know, don’t you?”   He tells Ed that Eileen is “in pieces”, and maintains that sometimes it is better that the cat stays in the bag.   When Ed tells him this is “odd”, he says, “You’re telling me!   We’re talking about my ex-wife and future step-daughter!”   When Ed wonders how to deal with this, Jim advises him that he must talk to Sioned.   If he loves her and wants to be with her, he will find a way to deal with it.
Meic’s plan seems to be working, and Debbie does not like his boots up on the furniture, sweet wrappers on the floor, and is disgusted by his reading books in the toilet.   Gaynor checks with Ffion again, but is convinced that she will not be able to cope with everything.   Meic comes to take Lois to Swansea by taxi, and Hywel suggests they have a quiet day together.
In the Deri, Ed is uneasy, but Sioned does not want to talk;  Eifion comes in and suggests that he and Ed go to visit Hywel, to apologise, and to see if they are likely to be charged;  he cannot go to jail, with two children at the farm.   When they reach Hywel’s they are surprised to find Gaynor there;  they start to apologise, but Hywel knows why they are really there, and assures them he will not press charges, as it was an accident.   
Gaynor is incensed, accusing them of coming now that they think they are safe;  all they are worried about is themselves.   She orders them out of the house, shouting, “Some time in prison would do you both good!” but then suffers another panic attack.   When she is back in bed, Hywel tells her that he is there to look after her.
Meic and Ricky are playing a game on the tv, when Debbie slips out;  Meic calls her irresponsible, and Ricky agrees, so Meic says he can stay up as late as he likes, and eat as many crisps as he wants.
Sioned is on her bed, and Ed again attempts to talk to her;  “There’s nothing to say.   Good- night,” she says, so he reluctantly leaves her sitting in the dark.